i went to walmart today and went streight for the bettas. they were all in horible condition, they had no females ( which i was accually looking ) but they had some nice males. lotsa purples and reds, a couple nice blue ones. they had mostly vts but i did c a couple delta tails. one male that caught my eye was a purp/steel blue/opuge betta. he looked in bad shape and on lady picked up his cup and said "hes almost dead". i picked him up and looked him over, he was rely nice. in another cup was a blue delta male, he was in a cracked cup that looked like sum 1 droped it on the floor. i asked an employee to put him in a new cup and they did. he was in great condion and i woulda hated if he ran outa water and died because i thoght he had a better chance outa all the bettas of finding a good home. i didn't take him home because i didn't have any room but i did take the purple one that was on his last leg. in a betta cup in the sink there was some baby guppys or plattys that i wanted to c if i could take home to but wen i asked all the clerk did was grummble and tell me the bettas were 3 bux ( not wat i asked )
iv got the lil guy home and in fresh water with conditioner, salt and melfix. hes looking great, hes swimming around and doing barel rolls n stuff. i fatend him up good with betta bites which he rely likes. he eats funny, he'll flare at the lil pelet b4 chomping it down, its pretty amuseing. hes about the same size as my male ct but im not sure exactly how old he is. i think hes got a lil doble tail geno in him because on his purple tail theres this real thin clear finage line running from half way down his tail to the very end, i think hes rely cool.
ill have a bunch of pic tommarrow
iv got the lil guy home and in fresh water with conditioner, salt and melfix. hes looking great, hes swimming around and doing barel rolls n stuff. i fatend him up good with betta bites which he rely likes. he eats funny, he'll flare at the lil pelet b4 chomping it down, its pretty amuseing. hes about the same size as my male ct but im not sure exactly how old he is. i think hes got a lil doble tail geno in him because on his purple tail theres this real thin clear finage line running from half way down his tail to the very end, i think hes rely cool.
ill have a bunch of pic tommarrow