Back After 15 Years - My New Tank

German Blue Rams are getting very comfortable in the tank, and establishing territory. Can't get over how much more colorful they get as they begin to settle in. This guy was even trying to attack my cell phone through the glass as I snapped pictures of him. I've never seen a fish do that before.

With near max bio-load, trying to get a sense of water parameter change over the course of a week.

Following largish water change:

PH = 6.6
Ammonia = NA (didn't test)
Nitrites = 0.0
Nitrates = 7.0
One week later, no water changes.

Water test reveals minimal increase in PH & Nitrates:

PH = 7.0
Ammonia = NA (didn't test)
Nitrites = 0.0
Nitrates = 10.0

Seems like the tank is pretty stable with the current bio load of 24 fish. Once the Pleco grows that will add more to the bio load.

1 x L128 Pleco (only 2.5")
2 x German Blue Rams
3 x Otto's
4 x Panda Corys
6 x Rummy Nose Tetras
8 x Harlequin Rasboras
Hey ITViking, in your earlier post you mentions your LFS advocating "pads" can you explain exactly what is meant by pads? is it an activated charcoal filter cartridge or something like the Seashem's Perigen packs?
I've had a pack of four Panda Corys in my tank since I first got it cycled late last year (six months or so). This morning I noticed this little surprise. A baby Panda Cory has made an appearance!

I haven't determine if there's more than one at this point. But the original four adults Panda Corys are still alive & well.

Any guesses as to how old this little one might be?

Hey ITViking, in your earlier post you mentions your LFS advocating "pads" can you explain exactly what is meant by pads? is it an activated charcoal filter cartridge or something like the Seashem's Perigen packs?
My apologies for missing your question. This is the Fluval product they carry, and there's a variety of different ones depending on what you're trying to remove. I have a set for emergencies but have never used them before.


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