Baby's first bloodworms

wow so cute im trying to breed mine now how mant times do your feed your adults a day
Thanks you guys :wub:

catfish~ The parents eat twice a day, only fresh or frozen,they're brats :)
Hey, not wanting to hijack your topic or anything, but how big are those baby bettas? Also, do they have any colour? What colour were their parents? My very first batch is about 5 weeks also but they have very obvious blue/purple colouring and have shown some colour since they were about 3 weeks old. Is this normal? I'm worried now because mine look so different to yours. I would take a picture but I don't know how to post one. -_- They are cute by the way :D
awwww, you're not hijacking (I'm the queen of hijacking so trust me,I don't mind!). Your's sound like they're right on track :nod: These are oranges and they're a faint peach color right now, both parents are pure brilliant orange and they really didn't get their color until they were over 6 months old, they were a blah peach forever :rolleyes: .The babies are just starting to show hints of darker orange on their fins but it's really hard to get a picture of.
They are adorable! :wub: I have a female that looks like she could have been their spawn sister. She is a transparent peach with hints of orange just like your babies. It would be interesting to see their parents I bet they are gorgeous. :nod:
I was sure that I posted in here, I dont know what happend. :/ :(
55gallondude said:
I was sure that I posted in here, I dont know what happend. :/ :(
I thought you did too,55. Maybe we're thinking of the other thread with the bubble nests :unsure: (I post pics of them so often it's hard to keep track :lol: )

Chooklet~ thank you,dear, aren't they precious :wub:

Jayderana~ there's mom and dad :wub:


Oh my :wub: ...the parents are amazing looking... when you said vibrant I couldn't have even imagined how vibrant... I can only hope my girl ends up that gorgeous...*crosses fingers and prays* :lol: If she turns out even close to that beautiful I will have to breed her...

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