Baby Swordtail Dilema!


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
My female swordtail gave birth today! But I have a big problem! Only 3 babies survived as it is, they seem healthy and everything, but... I am going home on friday for 10 days for spring break. I have nothing fish oriented at home and I don't know what to do with the babies, no one ill be here to feed them and I know they need to be fed a lot. But I have nothing with a filter at home to put them in. right now there in a breeder inside my 10 gallon, I'm going to pick up a grow out tank when I go home. Any ideas on what I can do would be great!!!
when you get baby fish you need to seperate them as soon as possible. parents most of the time love to eat there kids. feed these fish often 6-8 times a day sometimes when they are newborn, but very little amounts and very small foods. if you are going to be gone for 10 days you would either need to find someone to feed them for you. or maybe buy a 10 day fish feeder cube and hope for the best. or buy an automatic 10 feeder. you might also be able to bag up the fry and take them on the plane with you? lol might be an odd choice.

150 gallon hex male tank
55 gallon fry grower
55 gallon female tank
55 gallon chiclid tank
20 gallon endlers livebearer
10 gallon endlers livebearer
10 gallon guppy
10 gallon snail
10 gallon redwag tail platy
5 gallon medical
I only live 2 hours away, I could bring them home with me no problem, but I don't have a filtering tank at home to put them in, and I don't think they could be in an unfiltered bowl right?
you know the funny thing is, i really dont do filters. i just have lots of plants and fish and of course the weekly 10% water change. been going it for 17 years no problem. I just recently got filters because some guy sold them to me with his aquariums. just stick them in a nice sized bowl, with an air pump and a heater of some sort. do 10% water changes and they should be ok for a bit :). heck i once but 60 fish into a 30 gallon container for a 12 days with no heat only a air pump and drove them clear accross the states, i think i only lost 2 out of 60 :)
oh I don't have an extra air pump.... I just don't know what to do, I don't want to lose them :-(
Well go to your lfs and get one :lol:

Just doing the weekly water change would work fine, If you also don't have a heater just stick it in a warm place. I think your family will enjoy the fish too (especially littler ones!!!) so I would bring them no matter what! I love my babies :wub: ... :lol:
They'll be fine, I promise!

I used to keep my fry in little bowls without filtration.
They grew a little slower, but that's because I only had a lamp to heat them, but they were fine.
Just feed them and for ten days everything should be okay.

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