Baby Snail Identification


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2005
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Well I reckon I have the beginning of a snail invasion. I've spotted about three of these guys and they are totsy. I put my index finger next to it to help camera to focus and you can kinda get idea of size:

I have spotted the odd pest snail a good while after I got lots of plants a few months ago. Is the pic above a baby pest snail? Then I spotted one of these guys, what is he? And also I have one big apple snail just so you know. The shell of this guy looks like an apple snail shell. I used to have two apple snails but one died a couple of months ago. So heres the little guy:

Could it be the former pic is a babier version of the latter pic?
Any help would be apreciated.
looks like a regular pond snail. I would remove them when you see them so they don't become a pest later.
A pond snail in a fresh water tank? Hmmmmmm
Hmm so perhaps a baby apple snail came with my plants aswell as these limpet snails you have identified. also heres the other guy I have been talking about:


that looks like some ive found in my tank i think ramshorn, but id like an expert opinion
Are you reffering to my last pictures? If so then yeah they are ramshorns. Have you got live plants? Probably came in with them and can do damage to them.
The first one is a freshwater limpet, Acroloxus lacustris. The second one looks like "mini mystery snail", it isn't related to mystery snails (apple snails) and it doesn't seem to be really interested in eating live plants and doesn't reproduce much and also stays small, so it's an interesting pet. :) The species or genus of these snails isn't known.

Here's pictures of the "mini mystery snails" I had:



The third is a small ramshorn snail species, belogning to family Planorbidae. Have you checked this thread? has also lots of information in different snail species.
Great thread rain- :good: Thanks for all the help guys :D

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