Baby Plecos


Sep 29, 2004
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South Australia
I was just searching in my tank for more platy fry when I saw something inside the cave where my BN plecos hang out. I got a torch and had a look. Yay about 4 pleco fry! I am just wondering how old they are. They are about 1 and a bit cm (1/2") we have never had any baby plecos before. They are soo cute, wiggle wiggle wiggle. :D any tips on how to keep them safe? they seem happy tucked away in the cave. :wub:
Congrats, I have only just got my own cichlid fry. I am so excited so I understand how you feel. Lol isn't it great.

I'm not sure but try and feed them on algae wafers.
Congratulations :)

BN's normally have 20+ fry (20 being a low figure - it can be 80+ as they mature)... what are the other tank mates?

At that size though they may well be out and about so check the rest of the tank for little wrigglers ;)
Congratulations as has been said i fed mine algea pellets and cucumber and there fine, good look with them. :wub:
Thanks everyone, I will just keep feeding the adults as usual but might cut some of the vegetables up smaller so everyone gets a fair go. There could well be lots more hiding its really hard for me to see the back of their cave as it is not a regular shape, there are nooks and crannys for them to hide in. The tank partners are platys one remaining neon tetra and two remaining danios, if anyone has eaten some I would put my money on the nasty danio. I hope they are just hiding, the ones I can see are getting a bit big now for the danio. Their dad is the boss of the tank and he is still keeping an eye on them too. I will try and get pictures but I can't get any while they are inside the cave, I tried before with the adults.
congrats dude.....

how old are your other plecos?
I have had the plecos for just over a year and they were about 3cm long when I got them so I guess 1 1/2 years old or so, not really sure. The male has only had propper bristles for a few months so I guess he has only just got to maturity. He is so clever, I have descovered he has dug under another rock in the cave to make a smaller spot for the babies and yesterday when I gave them some broccoli he did some funny flicking move with his tail to get the broccoli in the cave so the babys didn't need to leave to get it :nod: . I really want to know how many there are but there are just so many spots I can't see even with a torch.
Hi, i've also just found pleco fry but we only found 7 (so far) there 20mm long in my tank i have a shark 3 platys 2 died 1 pair of gouramis and 1 female and a lot of tetras would any of these fish eat them :D :D
Hi, i've also just found pleco fry but we only found 7 (so far) there 20mm long in my tank i have a shark 3 platys 2 died 1 pair of gouramis and 1 female and a lot of tetras would any of these fish eat them :D :D

the "shark" might do depending on what it is and its size ;)

The other should be fine.

The little plecs will however run pretty fast if they feel under threat.
Congratulations!! :good:

My bristlenoses have also just had babies so it's very exciting trying to find them in the tank every morning!

As with you, I'm not sure how many, can see some in the cave but have only seen 5 in total so far!

I'm aiming algae wafers into the cave, but also putting in cucumber/courgette - although not seen any babies eating anything yet! - my plecs and clown loaches love them!

Good luck with them, hope you find lots more!


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