Baby platy not doing well, help!


Jul 10, 2021
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I posted about this platy yesterday, but he’s in much worse condition today so I’m making another post in hopes that more people will see it and offer advice.
Long story short, this is the smallest fry in a group of 27, 2 1/2 month old fry from two different females. When the fry were first born, the bigger ones were eating the smaller fry’s tails so I moved the bigger fry to a bucket. A week or two ago I put all the surviving fry except this one and a couple other smaller ones in the main 10g tank, and kept the small ones in a breeder box in the 10g. I ended up needing the box, so I put the smaller ones in the 10g with the others.
I noticed this one with a shredded tail and lethargic movements yesterday evening, which is when I took pictures and made a different post around this same time yesterday. Searched the tank with my eyes this morning and couldn’t find him, so I assumed he had died and gotten eaten. Went and fed them this evening and saw him face down in the gravel wiggling his tail. I used a turkey baster to floof him up into a net, where I scooped him into a medicine cup so he wouldn’t be out of the water and put him in an old betta cup. His tail is completely gone, and so are his top and anal fins. He’s not eating anything, even BBS which he ate yesterday. He gets little spurts of energy occasionally and swims around the cup, but I think he might have a swim bladder problem because when he stops what’s left of his tail goes up while his head goes down. He’s in the betta cup in my room where nothing can disturb him, by my lava lamp which gives off heat.
I know there might not be anything I can do, but he’s still just a baby and I want to try everything I can before giving up. Advice?

Yesterday around this same time


Today, around half an hour before this post was made (sorry for blurry pics, the plastic is slightly cloudy)



The fish could have intestinal worms, gill flukes, an internal issue that reduces its ability to get as much nutrition from its food, or it could just be a genetic dud.

You can try deworming them, you treat all the fish at the same time. See section 3 of the following link for deworming fish.

Try feeding it more often.

Keep it apart from the others so they don't pick on it. If it recovers and grows up, then try adding it to the tank with the others.

The fish could have intestinal worms, gill flukes, an internal issue that reduces its ability to get as much nutrition from its food, or it could just be a genetic dud.

You can try deworming them, you treat all the fish at the same time. See section 3 of the following link for deworming fish.

Try feeding it more often.

Keep it apart from the others so they don't pick on it. If it recovers and grows up, then try adding it to the tank with the others.

What do i deworm it with and will I need to put it back in the 10g to do it? All the other babies are perfect, swimming around and eating with gusto and no signs of shredded tails on any except this one, so I'm not sure if it's worms
What do i deworm it with and will I need to put it back in the 10g to do it? All the other babies are perfect, swimming around and eating with gusto and no signs of shredded tails on any except this one, so I'm not sure if it's worms
You can use Praziquantel to treat tapeworm and gill flukes. And use Levamisole to treat thread/ round worms. If you can't find these medications, look for Flubendazole, which treats both lots of worms.
Remove carbon from filters before treatment and increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximize oxygen levels in the water.
You treat the fish once a week for 4 weeks. The first treatment will kill any worms in the fish. The second, third and forth treatments kill any baby worms that hatch from eggs inside the fish's digestive tract.
You do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean 24-48 hours after treatment. Clean the filter 24 hours after treatment too.

you can also soak food in medicine such as prazi
the fish looks like it has fin rot? not sure, but i would do a salt bath if so
+from colin_t's post
You can use Praziquantel to treat tapeworm and gill flukes. And use Levamisole to treat thread/ round worms. If you can't find these medications, look for Flubendazole, which treats both lots of worms.
Remove carbon from filters before treatment and increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximize oxygen levels in the water.
You treat the fish once a week for 4 weeks. The first treatment will kill any worms in the fish. The second, third and forth treatments kill any baby worms that hatch from eggs inside the fish's digestive tract.
You do a 75% water change and complete gravel clean 24-48 hours after treatment. Clean the filter 24 hours after treatment too.

you can also soak food in medicine such as prazi
the fish looks like it has fin rot? not sure, but i would do a salt bath if so
+from colin_t's post
Its not fin rot, he had perfect fins a couple days ago and everyone else is fine. This is exactly what the smallest fry when they were newborn and the bigger ones were eating their tails, I'm sure that's what's happening again because he's the smallest. Tips on how to help him recover faster and/or start eating again?
Its not fin rot, he had perfect fins a couple days ago and everyone else is fine. This is exactly what the smallest fry when they were newborn and the bigger ones were eating their tails, I'm sure that's what's happening again because he's the smallest. Tips on how to help him recover faster and/or start eating again?
ah, makes sense
clean water, clean tank, do BIG water changes
that made my cory, who had a split fin, recover in a week

separate from rest to minimize stress
There is nothing wrong with this fish, he has just had a rough start put him back into the best tank you have and see what happens. Lots of plants, no angry fish.
There is nothing wrong with this fish,
I'm going to disagree with you on that. It looks skinny and emaciated to me. That is usually from worms, gill flukes, lack of food or some major internal health issue.

@foxgirl158, try feeding it up (3-5 times a day for a month) and see if it gains weight and looks more normal. You want it to have a fat stomach and look like a pregnant guppy.
Do big daily water changes to keep the container clean.

If the fish begins to look more normal with the extra food, that is fine. But if it doesn't improve, treat it for worms and gill fluke.
Praziquantel should deal with tapeworm and gill flukes.
Levamisole should take care of any round/ thread worms.
If you can find Flubendazole, it treats both types of worm and gill flukes.

If it still doesn't improve after extra food and deworming, then it is probably a genetic dud.
I'm going to disagree with you on that. It looks skinny and emaciated to me. That is usually from worms, gill flukes, lack of food or some major internal health issue.

@foxgirl158, try feeding it up (3-5 times a day for a month) and see if it gains weight and looks more normal. You want it to have a fat stomach and look like a pregnant guppy.
Do big daily water changes to keep the container clean.

If the fish begins to look more normal with the extra food, that is fine. But if it doesn't improve, treat it for worms and gill fluke.
Praziquantel should deal with tapeworm and gill flukes.
Levamisole should take care of any round/ thread worms.
If you can find Flubendazole, it treats both types of worm and gill flukes.

If it still doesn't improve after extra food and deworming, then it is probably a genetic dud.
Which is what I'm saying politely. "Then it is probably a genetic dud."
I'm going to disagree with you on that. It looks skinny and emaciated to me. That is usually from worms, gill flukes, lack of food or some major internal health issue.
Agree... 👍
I'm going to disagree with you on that. It looks skinny and emaciated to me. That is usually from worms, gill flukes, lack of food or some major internal health issue.

@foxgirl158, try feeding it up (3-5 times a day for a month) and see if it gains weight and looks more normal. You want it to have a fat stomach and look like a pregnant guppy.
Do big daily water changes to keep the container clean.

If the fish begins to look more normal with the extra food, that is fine. But if it doesn't improve, treat it for worms and gill fluke.
Praziquantel should deal with tapeworm and gill flukes.
Levamisole should take care of any round/ thread worms.
If you can find Flubendazole, it treats both types of worm and gill flukes.

If it still doesn't improve after extra food and deworming, then it is probably a genetic dud.
Will this work? I can’t afford to spend $60 dollars on flubendazole.

I also can’t find levamisole anywhere :(
Does that work just as well? I might even have that already
works very well for me
i just used it since lots of my guppies have parasites again
i hate parasties ugh

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