Baby Platies, Help!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
South Lanarkshire, Scotland
I bought 6 platies today from M.A. (2 male, 4 female)

On the way home one of them gave birth and now i have around 10 fry that i've put into a breeder trap in my main tank.

When and how do i feed them?

I've used Liquifry before but don't have any currently.

I bought some powdered fry food, is this ok?

Any help appreciated :)
yes i think it is ok but you don't have to feed fry streight after birth .... my guppy fry only eat like 24 hours after birth
Wow! that is exactly what happened with me when i got my first platies :hyper:
Wierd the same number of adults and babies.........
Like said before crushed flake food, crushed dried food....these work best :)
yes i think it is ok but you don't have to feed fry streight after birth .... my guppy fry only eat like 24 hours after birt platys can eat after birth flack food crushed is fine when they get bigger try brine shimp
As above really mine did just fine on flake but remember you need to think about where your going to keep 16 fully grown platies is your tank big enough as they grow quick just something to think about!
Hi there Mishka. I fed mine on some really fine BBS and then moved them onto crushed high quality flake food. This is far cheaper imo than buying all sorts of different fry food, which, to be honest, i have never had much success with. The liquifry just sank to the bottom and the fry would not be bothered about it. :rolleyes:

Once they are big enough, add in some normal BBS to their diet and then you should see some rapid growth from them. If you could place them in a small tank of their own, something about 5 gallon would be perfect then you can feed them 6 times a day and this ensures they get the food rather than the adults. It also keeps them safe from other fish and you can do daily water changes which will all help in the growth and health of your new babies!

Congratulations btw, well done! :good:

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