Baby Peppered Cories


New Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
I have just been made a father of 8 baby cories which hatched last night. I know not to feed them for the first few days, until their own yolk sack has been consumed, but after that what is the best thing to feed them? I have the pelletes that the adult corys eat and was thinking about crushing them, would this be ok?
Sounds like a good idea for the future and something I'll deffinately try, but I take it I can get them live from any good LFS for the short term though??
Hi adam_jones :)

No, it's not likely that you will find them at an lfs.

Until you can get some going, you might want to use some liquid fry food for the first few days and then move up to freshly hatched or frozen baby brine shrimp (bbs). Just take care to remove any of the frozen ones that aren't eaten quickly, if you do that, to prevent them from spoiling and breeding harmful bacteria in your tank.

The microworms have the advantage or staying alive for a period of time while in the water, and this is why I prefer to use them.
I've bought the liquifry (cheers for the advice) and tried to contact the guy who sells the microworms yesterday but I'm not to sure if he's still selling them :thumbs: as i've had no reply.
I've bought the liquifry (cheers for the advice) and tried to contact the guy who sells the microworms yesterday but I'm not to sure if he's still selling them :thumbs: as i've had no reply.

Thanks for this post, saves me posting, I've just had 4 bronze corys hatch, maybe more, but there are still a few eggs that are viable to hatching :D

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