Sorry, but not feeding as much or buying a piscivore in order to control a population that you allowed to happen and can stop with little effort both seem a little backward to me.
With respect, and as I am inexperienced in this hobby all views are welcomed,
I agree I allowed the population to get out of control. A little more preparation and study into aquarium fish and the species involved and I would not have got into this position. I am definitely guilty of rushing head first into things and getting carried away with the excitement of seeing the fish breed.
You suggest I can stop with little effort, how? If I remove the males, where do I put them?? I don’t have a second tank, or space to house a new tank, I don’t see killing the males as any better than using small fry as live food. Infact I would argue it is worse. Of the 20 - 30 guppies I would say 18 are female and of this 15 are pregnant, so I would estimate at least another 10 male guppy would survive even if I remove the current males. I live 4-5 hours from my local pet shop, Pet Smart, a huge supplier in the UK who don’t accept stock from the general public, due to the risk of disease.
Having read numerous internet sites over the last few days it seem accepted practice to use guppy fry as live food. It must be healthy for all fish to have a varied diet, and a natural one. The guppy fry that survive will be the strongest, ensuring a healthy tank, and the ones that dont, well they ensure the remaining fish are healthy by providing part of a varied diet and keeping the community down to a healthy size.
Again I would agree that it is a situation I could have avoided if I was a little better informed but as usual I got carried away with a new hobby.