unfortunatly a female guppy can hold sperm for up to three months (6 by some accounts) so unless you get rid of the fems you have a good supply for quite a while I would suggest getting a 30 gallon and keeping two young Red Bellied
Where do you live? If you are in the UK, it's illegal to feed live fish to other fish (read this topic to find out more :) ). As for getting another tank for your male guppies or something, could you get some sort of glass tank type thing from your local supermarket (a vase or something, but one with a large surface area)?

Oh, and unfortunately alot of people are misinformed when starting the hobby. But luckily you're asking here now, and you'll sort out the problem. You should ask at this marine place to see if they'll take the iridescent shark (You could write them a letter :dunno: ).


rsz ^_^
True RSZ I never thought of that but its only a problem in the UK and I am on the opposite side of the globe so It is far from my mind. As I said before the fems will hold sperm for 3 months so that is a long time to deal with preggo fish, you could get some giant danios and let the problem fix itself *Wink*. but even a young female can be impregnated and even a young male (two weeks after showing colors I believe) can do the impregnateing.

Well here I can offer a little assistance

In Scotland the laws governing the land are different from England. I can only speak for Scotland but the laws are roughly as follows:-

This is not exact but as I can not remember the exact definition but basically any person who : Tortures, Injures, Kicks, Overloads, Terrifies, Ill treats, Over-rides or neglects any of the following animals is guilty of an offence

Sheep, Horse, Ass, Mule, Pig, Ox (Cattle), Goat, Dog, Fowl or Cat (Plus the catch all) ANY CAPTIVE ANIMAL

Fish would definatley fall under the ANY CAPTIVE ANIMAL bracket, but if allowing your fry to be consumed by larger fish constitutes any of the above, well its open to arguement really.

The above legislation is not ver batum and only intended as a rough guide, I will locate the exact legislation tonight and post about 23.00 hours.

There may well be legislation in place that specifically covers fish and the selling and care of such, the above was intended to cover your average house hold pets and farm animals but again, any captive animal does cover fish and there is stated cases in law relating to fish.


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