Well went and checked out a lot of sites yesterday. And my new fry don’t look much like the Daneo fry I saw pics of, they look more like what I saw on AlexandCarmans breeding post…… Also my “babys†are still on the glass and plants and do next to no free swimming (other than darting from one leaf to the next)….. If they where Danios they should be past the “glass clinging†stage, or so my reading makes me think….. Still thinking there ottos, but willing to admit (as much as I hate it ) that they may be Danios, but I really doubt it…. The pics I saw yesterday REALLY didn’t look like my babys…….. keeping fingers crossed, let them be ottos!!!!!!!!!
Well I can find four right now (could be more but they are hard to spot), and there are ottos for sure.... ...... There are slowly getting bigger now, starting to look more like there parents…. still no good pics (they end up looking like blurry thread)..... And extra bonus, yesterday for the 1st time I actually saw my ottos doing the mateing dance (couldn’t find the eggs) but they sure where acting frisky....... So hopfully I may have more babys yet.... I am being WAY more carefull about topping up and changing my water now and am going it in small amounts as to not shock the tank again (that SUCKED loosing so many fry)…… Will keep updating (hopfully with a good pic soon)......