Baby Molly


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
i have been looking after a baby molly for almost a month now. while it continues to grow i am wondering how long do i have to wait until its no longer bite sized?
right now i have it isolated in a little tank right now until it gets bigger. it only about as big as this line. ------
What else do you have in the main tank? If all you have are Mollies or similarly sized fish, you should be okay to go ahead and put him in the tank. If you do put him in, make sure that you have plenty of little hiding places (plants/wood/rock) just in case your fish do try to harass him. I put the larger of my last batch of Molly fry in with their parents when they were about two weeks old with no problems.

[Edit] I just wanted to add that the fry that I put into the adult tank seemed to do better and grow more quickly in there.
hi there i keep baby guppies mollys swordtails and platies in a seperate tank until the are around the same size as your molly then i put them into the big fish tank and they get on great in there and grown really big really fast your molly should be fine in the big tank as long as you dont have any big big fish that will eat it :shifty:
well the big tank is sort of on the sick side, i just lost one molly to internal parasites, so i am now treating the whole tank for it (side note should snails be removed for this). i am using the jungle fungle cure for it. the tank currently has one ballon molly (my only surviving molly at this point) three guppies and 6 pepper cories. the three snails hav been removed (two mysteries and one ryhorn) because they were all making a brake for the top of the tank i figured they medication ws hurting them so i put them in another tank for now.

i also have a breeding net, once the tank has been treated for a little while should i introduce him to the tank in the net or should i wait until he has moved off of fry food?
Once mine are in the adult tank, they are left to their own devices....I wouldn't really worry about weaning them off of fry food. I feed the adults as usual except that I crush the flake just a bit before chucking it in. They actually do better in the adult tank with twice daily feedings than their siblings in the fry tank who get fed 4-5 times a day. Here's a pic of my 6 1/2 week old Balloon Molly babies.


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Thanks, I have Lyretail black Mollies in the tank as well.

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