Baby Molly Not Growing


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2010
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Lexington Park, MD
Hey havent posted in a while. Have quite a perplexing issue that I need some advice on. Bought a pregnant molly from my LFS about 4 months ago. She was very stressed as she was getting ready to drop when I bought her. I brought her home and within minutes she started dropping. Now four months later most of the fry have transfered to the adult tank except for 2. The first molly is deformed slightly cute as a button though and I have not transfered her because I was afraid the other fish would pick on her. My question is about fry number 2. The fish has not hardly grown at all. She looks slightly bigger than a newborn fry but not by much. I honestly couldnt transfer her because she would be eaten. No growth at all but eats well. Any ideas on what could be causing this? Will she be bound to the baby tank forever? Please help. Thanks!
I had fry that would not grow as well. They all ended up dying and with bent spines because they would not grow properly. I think its a birth defect or something.
Studies have suggested that live food, not merely frozen foods, can stimulate growth more than any other other form of food. Your fish may well be genetically small, fish vary just like people do, but it is worth a try to hatch some brine shrimp and see if that helps.
this happens to me everytime i have a batch i always have 1 or 2 smaller ones that take forever to grow up..its natural..the "runt" in the litter

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