baby guppies

males 3 to 4 months and females at 6 months i believe but i think it depends on water conditions and diet. my females are 3.5 months old and have developed their colours in they tail, resemble bumble bee
Mine started at about 2 months (born march 15 at 5 am, dont ask what i was doing up at 5 am on a saturday, i have no idea LOL), they are 83 days old now and looking awesome!

Here's another question relating to this all babies get different color tails or does it depend on who was the father and mother? I have two guppies, male and female. I'm hoping to have some baby guppies myself someday soon. I was wondering how they get their color. It would be cool if most of the baby guppies have different colors. :D
most of the time the females you buy are always pregnant but eventually after a few batches you should see the colours come through.

So far i have had all yellow guppies, 1 with white, orange and 5 dots in a vertical line on her tail (shes my fav) i had a male baby guppy that was a red in his tail but decided that the filter was a better place to be and died :( so far i have only had female guppies survive which is strange.

I wonder if anyone could explain this?

I have had the same problem in the past with my female baby guppies survivng (sp), and no males living, It is really weird, and right now I have 2 batches of babies one batch is 3 weeks (4) and the other batch is 2 weeks (7) Now I am having a problem, I am losing some babies :-( I have lost 3!!! 2 of them had no signs what so ever, and one had something white on its head, I thought maybe it was ich, I am hoping I dont lose anymore :sad: I have a Guppy that should be having another batch any day now, so I am on the look out :)
Could of been a fungal infection, i had a baby that had some on her tail which i treated with Metherlyne Blue (Which stains everything!!!!) but it sorted her out in 2 days. Some babies do just die out i've had batches of 13 to 21 babies and only 4-6 survive.
Well I read somewhere that it is common for fry to die and only about 20 - 25 % will survive. :unsure: Not sure why. Good luck with your new babies. :D

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