Baby Fish........

don't brashish water fish lay there eggs in fresh water and then migrate to salt water anywais? i have to agree with lynden on this one, at least adult mollys would probaly do best in salt water.
Id get a fry net as karin said many posts ago. But thats only ok if u have a big enough tank. Anything over 60L would be ok. That way u can keep the fry no matter wat fish u have in the tank.
true but there is alwais a chance, having a larger tank just increases the odds thats all, + in a box net you can make sure there all eating properly.
thank u all so much the mollies are gettin a little bigger now so i think they will soon be ready for my tank the barbs are only small to at the mo, i am guna let the mollies get a tad bigger as i dont want to take them out of a good enviroment to a bad one my barbs dont seem to agressive but the tend to chase each other around alot i will ad a few more hiding places in the tank for them to i think.

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