Baby fish! Not sure what species...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2011
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Looked in the tank today and I saw little fish everywhere! :D

Looks like these two are the parents, I honestly can't for the life of me remember what species they are. Zebra Cichlid? Not sure which is the male or female.

Anyone ever have these in their tank? Likelihood of how many, if any, will survive?
Another pic


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They are balloon convicts a regular and an albino - might get pretty aggressive if there are babies around.
@Wills Are balloon convicts a hybrid mix with parrots? They look like a drawf albino and a polar blue parrot
@Wills Are balloon convicts a hybrid mix with parrots? They look like a drawf albino and a polar blue parrot
Hard to say polar parrots have convicts in them somewhere but I’d say these are balloon convicts which will just be the balloon gene rather than parrots as they don’t look to have the deformed mouth like parrots have been bred to have.
They are balloon convicts a regular and an albino - might get pretty aggressive if there are babies around.
Hi, sorry for the delay in responding. Been unwell, yes, I believe one is albino and they are getting very aggressive. They've confined the neon tetras and the two platys to one corner of the tank 🤦🏼‍♂️. I don't have any baby food or a separate tank. There's a fair number of fry in there. Will many survive?
Photos of the babies? The parents def look like a type of cichlid to me. is the left one an albino?
I don't think my camera will pick them up but I'll try. Tiny little things, about 10-15 I think.
Where are you located? I can send you a 45g tank if u want, you would only pay shipping? It has no filter or anything.. but might help? It would only help the tetras and platys...
Based on the names fired off here, they do look like polar blue parrot cichlids... I will take some better pics if I can and revert :)
Where are you located? I can send you a 45g tank if u want, you would only pay shipping? It has no filter or anything.. but might help? It would only help the tetras and platys...
I'm in the UK, and your offer is most generous. Regrettably, I don't have the space for another tank anywhere 😮‍💨
Where are you located? I can send you a 45g tank if u want, you would only pay shipping? It has no filter or anything.. but might help? It would only help the tetras and platys...
Yeah its not a great combination of fish tbh - Convicts or Polar Parrots are pretty aggressive, especially when breeding if you are able to separate them into an other tank it would be recommended.


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