Baby finch pics


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
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Ontario Canada
Well they're over three weeks old now and are starting to leave the nest, but are still yelling for food from the single dad (who by the way has done an excellent job raising 3 little ones). So for those interested here's the pics of Hui, Dui, and Lui (the names stick untill gender and personality are more distinguished and pronounced).


Dui (the little porker) on the left with her little brother, the runt, Lui


This is Hui the oldest and the first out of the nest

Hope you enjoyed the pics.
We have finch eggs at the moment,waiting for them to hatch :thumbs:

What happened to the female?
Unfortunately the female was weakened by her genetics (siblings were bred) but the male was strong. We guess it was a combination of not enough nutrients and her weak gentics. Since you have eggs I have a couple suggestions from recent experience; add Prime vitamins to the water it will give them the nutrients they need, if a newly hatched baby is on the bottom of the cage (if it's still alive) pick it up with a paper or something and put it back in the nest, other than that let the parents deal with the rest. They'll figure things out.
They did lay last year, same couple we had 2 babies from them.We also have a pair of Bengalese on eggs,not bred those before.

Heard you have be careful with inbreeding ,we bought 2 green singing finches ,which we think may be brother and sister,but have heard they are hard to breed.


Looking at your wicker basket ours wouldn't lay in one of those they rejected it,we had buy the box type of nest box.

Cool pictures :thumbs:
That's quite interesting and wish you luck with all your breeding endevours. A note about inbreeding, usually you can breed siblings but only one or two generations. ie brother and sister breeding and then two of their babies breeding might be ok but if you go down another generation you will likely get problems. With the green singing finches I'd suggest getting another pair from somewhere else or from a different batch and mixing up the pairs, but I don't know about where you live but here there aren't many green singing finches so you may be out of luck, but good luck anyways.
I love the first picture. They are so cute together....POTM from me for the first picture :wub:
I second the POTM nomination for the first picture. Those Finches are just way too adorable. :)
BTW they're baby zebra finches (yes, I know common, but they're still cute). They've all learned to fly and have already escaped the cage once and were a handful to put back in, the next step for them is to eat more by themselves instead of dad regurgitating all the time.

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