Baby Dwarf Gouramies


New Member
Dec 21, 2004
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Brisbane Australia
I have just had my first batch of dwarf gouramies (at least my fish have) and I have seperated the parents now the fry are free swimming.
My problem is that to clean the tank is almost impossible since they are so small and keep getting cought up in the syphon.
I did try to strain them through a stocking but was afraid of loosing to many.
I am using a enviro foam filter and it just does not seem to stop it going green, I'm I also worried if I do too many water changes it will kill them.
They are also feeding on Small Fry liquid 3-4 times a day which may not help and have tried to cultivate my own shrimp with no success.
Can anyone offer any advice - pleaseeeeeee
What are you using to siphon with? If you're using a full size gravel vac, switch to a piece of airline hose and go very slowly. If you can, siphon into a container that you can see easily if you siphoned anyone up, and move them back to the tank ;)

As for foods, you might try to get ahold of a microworm culture (I usually order mine from What method are you using to hatch baby brine shrimp? (I assume you set up your own hatchery??) Maybe if you can describe what you're doing we can see if there's anything you could do/change to make it work better for ya. If all else fails, I've used this product before with success, and it's very simple. I'm not sure that it would hatch enough for you, but it may help ya out.

Anyway, congrats on the fry! :thumbs:

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