Baby Cory Deaths - Puzzled As To What The Prob Is?

That looks really strange Spishkey.

I don't think that those are air bubbles. If they were they are so large that the fish would be floating upside down on the surface they are so large. You could confirm this by doing an autopsy on one of the ones that have died. With a fine sewing needle puncture the 'bubble' and see if either liquid or air comes out.

In either case I have never seen this before and really can't recommend a treatment.

Have you tried the emegencies thread with this? I'd recommend you do.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help (wife is giving me that look as we're down here in the Dominican Republic on vacation).

I'll try to check back later and do some googling when she's not watching.

Good luck.
hi corydad thanks for dropping by, sadly i took the decision of euthanising the remainder of the babies today as they were getting worse and dying one by one.
i have now stripped down the tank.

once the babies had died, the bubble dissappeared. very strange. not one that i fished out had the bubble after death, so on one of the ones i euthanised, i poked a little hole in it and it was just like a clear liquid (water maybe?) that came out.

im not going to try raising baby corys again until ive found out what happened to these :)
possibly as i have never managed to get babies to reach adult hood from this female?

also a thought struck me today, there have been major roadworks here for the past few weeks, is it possible something has gotten into the water that has harmed the fish?
have now lost 2 adult cories :( im really worried now. just 4 left :( treatment didnt help, should i do another course??
looks like a bacterial problem to me, whats the substrate & how often do you really clean it?
in the first tank it was rounded gravel, then the adults were moved into the community tank where it is sand. the substrate is cleaned nightly (3 plecs make it look messy) so it is most definatly not a substrate problem.

i have treated for a bacterial problem but no luck. do i do another course of it?
hmm... given your losses I would treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic such as tetracyclin HCL.
as you are in europe you can probably buy it at any pharmacy...
you cant just go and buy anti biotics here you have to have a prescription from the doctor for them. i dont think my doc will agree to give me a prescription for my fish :)
Check water parameters before doing anything. Daily gravel cleanings may kill the biocycle.

As for bacterial treatment: avoid Tetracycline if possible. It has been around for ages and most bacteria is now resistant to it.

Good choices when you don't know what is the cause are Kanamycin, Furandazole, and Minocycline. All are available without prescription in the US, probably need a vet in Europe.

Notice that you have no proof that bacteria is involved at all, parasites (internal worms or external like velvet or many others) are fully possible too.

Good luck.
Hi Spishkey :)

I'm sorry about your losses.

Are your remaining corys C. sterbai? If so, 22 C. (71.6) is a very low temperature for them. They do better in the 75-82 F. temperature range.

Is it possible your fish have dropsy? This is often a type of bacterial infection. Since corys don't have scales, you will not see the typical "pinecone" effect, but they will appear bloated. If your fish have had their immune systems compromised by living in a very low temperature, this is a possibility.

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