Baby Cichlids! (w/ Pics!)

I wouldnt do it, as she is a new mother, she will most likley eat her babies. Just do a water change w/ a siphon and then dechloinate and add new water.
Sorry for all the questions, but the mother has laid more eggs.. will she kill the babies that are in there now to raise the new ones?
Sorry for all the questions, but the mother has laid more eggs.. will she kill the babies that are in there now to raise the new ones?

She killed at least three of them so I took them out and put them in a 10g alone, here are some pics!
I think there may still be a couple in there, but the daddy was biting my net so I figured I better leave them alone.
Some of the babies are white and others are darker! So cute!


Parents often do eat their babies.. Apparently they will eat ones that are weak.. Other times they'll just eat them all..

If you can raise them without the parents you might as well.
Incase anyone is intrested in the progress of my babies, they seem to be doing well alone in their tank!
They look like cichlids now and they have started to try and bite eachother.. but they are still pretty small, they might be 2 cm.
We have some white/clear color ones, is this normal?
Sorry the pic isn't great.

That's normal. I have a few that are just beginning to get their color.

I am surprised that Mom killed 3 babies though, mine has never done that.

I'd be careful leaving Mom and Dad that and you'll have another brood of fry in no time. Honestly, I leave the babies in with Mom and Dad because that's free birth control. LOL
That's normal. I have a few that are just beginning to get their color.

I am surprised that Mom killed 3 babies though, mine has never done that.

I'd be careful leaving Mom and Dad that and you'll have another brood of fry in no time. Honestly, I leave the babies in with Mom and Dad because that's free birth control. LOL

They laid more eggs when the babies were with them and started to eat them!(the babies) That's why I took them out! They ended up eating the eggs too and the daddy was beating up the mother. We gave both fish, along with the one other male we had to my uncle. He has set them all up in their own tanks lol!
Watching them grow has been amazing! But, Cichlids are not the fish for us! Once these are grown we will give them to a pet store.

Are there any fish that would get along with these? If possible I'd like to keep one baby and put another fish or two in there. Only problem is we only have 10 gallon tanks. So if it won't get on with other fish in that size tank then I won't keep any.

Thanks! :D
females are much less aggressive than males in most cases. I know pwople that keep a single female with platy's and mollies and she doesnt harm them. I think they only get super aggressive when they have a partner and are guarding eggs/babies.

But you should have at least a 20gallon tank for one cichlid, 25gallons for a pair, so if you do keep one, its all you could have in that 10gallon.

I have the pair i got from my store in my 10G tank for now, upgrading in 2 weeks, but they are already making a nest... So it doesnt take long, and i think the eggs hatch quickly.

With the babies you do have, before trying to find a petstore, perhaps see if you have any local fish clubs. My friend and i are in a fish club that we actually bring our baby fish to and auction them off to people that KNOW fish, you make a small profit, and its more safe then just dumping them off at a petstore and them being infected with ick or dropsy etc. and with the fish club, you know who is getting the fish, and that they will be going to good homes.

At my store i bought my black convicts for closr to $4 each, but Nick and i take the convict babies, raise them to about 3-4 centimeters, take them to the club, and make easily $6 each.

Just an idea.
looks like u got some pink convicts in that batch!!!
my cusins pair had no pink in it lol!!!
right now im breeding jellybean parrots :D
2nd batch for these parents.
I live in a small town and there are no fish clubs here, but I have posted on a website asking about fish clubs in the city other areas. Thanks for the idea, never thought of it :D
They are still a bit small to go, but i'd be nice to give them to people then take them to a pet store. (I wouldn't feel right charging people for them though)

I would really love to keep one if they are pink! But there is no way i'd have room for a tank larger then a 10 gallon. It's really not a good idea to have one in a 10 gallon?
I read that the pink convicts are even more agressive then the black ones, anyone know if this is true or not?

Thanks for the advice :D

And good luck with your babies!
naw the black ones are meaner!!
i know cuz i put 2 male convicts in one tank and the black ones kept picking on the pink one.
both are the same size and it looks like they are starting to grow pretty big humps on there heads!!!

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