Baby Cichlids! (w/ Pics!)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
They hatched on Nov 13th. (or the 12th) They seem to be doing well! I hope they make it! This has been awesome to see!
We now have two tanks of cichlids, one with the pair and babies and then another that has one male in it.



My mother bought a tank from a woman she knows from work, it was so dirty. Took me a good hour to clean it!
There was a dead cichlid in the rocks, and the water was black!
She had the tank for a year and it was NEVER once cleaned.
It came with a fish, cute little guy! Friendly and very active! My neice has called it Snowball!
It was in the tank with a few cichlids and was the only to live, she said that they had ick or something.. no wonder!
Can anyone tell me what kind of fish this is and what fish (if any) are known to live well with them, we have a 10g tank.


Yep, thats a convict.
The Gourami is a Trichogaster trichopterus varient, looks like a golden. They get to 15cm max, usually smaller. They can be a bit aggressive when they get older, so confine tank mates to larger barbs and danios. You will also need a bigger tank, say a 80x30x30cm when she gets bigger.
Oh yeh, well done with the Convicts!
Yep, thats a convict.
The Gourami is a Trichogaster trichopterus varient, looks like a golden.

im pretty sure in the pic with his neice in its a blue gourami

The post makes it unclear if it is one fish or teo. One is a golden, one a blue. Whatever it is, they are the same species, just one is lass attractive than the other.
Yep, thats a convict.
The Gourami is a Trichogaster trichopterus varient, looks like a golden.

im pretty sure in the pic with his neice in its a blue gourami

The post makes it unclear if it is one fish or teo. One is a golden, one a blue. Whatever it is, they are the same species, just one is lass attractive than the other.

It is one fish, just two different pictures, one with a flash and one without.
I'm looking for tank mates for him or her. Thanks for the suggestion of barbs and danios.. don't have a clue what they are but I'll look them up :D
We will be looking into getting a bigger tank, if we see a good priced used one.
The Gourami is about a year old now and has been in the same 10 gallon tank the whole time, if it's put in a larger one will it still grow? Or is it too late?

(also, i'm not a him! :p)
It is one fish, just two different pictures, one with a flash and one without.
I'm looking for tank mates for him or her. Thanks for the suggestion of barbs and danios.. don't have a clue what they are but I'll look them up :D
We will be looking into getting a bigger tank, if we see a good priced used one.
The Gourami is about a year old now and has been in the same 10 gallon tank the whole time, if it's put in a larger one will it still grow? Or is it too late?

(also, i'm not a him! :p )

Ok. Is he a golden colour or blue in real life? I would get him a larger tank now, you should see a step up in growth.
It is definitely a gold 3-spot gourami, and looks like a male to me since its dorsal fin is pointed. They usually grow to about 5-6 inches, and mine grew to full size pretty fast. Probably in less than a year.

Male gouramis can be more aggressive than females and might kill other fish unless it has its own space and territory. Although not all are alike. Make sure you have a few plants around the tank if you're going to add more fish.
It is one fish, just two different pictures, one with a flash and one without.
I'm looking for tank mates for him or her. Thanks for the suggestion of barbs and danios.. don't have a clue what they are but I'll look them up :D
We will be looking into getting a bigger tank, if we see a good priced used one.
The Gourami is about a year old now and has been in the same 10 gallon tank the whole time, if it's put in a larger one will it still grow? Or is it too late?

(also, i'm not a him! :p )

Ok. Is he a golden colour or blue in real life? I would get him a larger tank now, you should see a step up in growth.

It is a yellow/white color.

It is definitely a gold 3-spot gourami, and looks like a male to me since its dorsal fin is pointed. They usually grow to about 5-6 inches, and mine grew to full size pretty fast. Probably in less than a year.

Male gouramis can be more aggressive than females and might kill other fish unless it has its own space and territory. Although not all are alike. Make sure you have a few plants around the tank if you're going to add more fish.

Thanks for the advice, as I said we will be looking for a larger tank :D
My mother bought a tank from a woman she knows from work, it was so dirty. Took me a good hour to clean it!
There was a dead cichlid in the rocks, and the water was black!
She had the tank for a year and it was NEVER once cleaned.
It came with a fish, cute little guy! Friendly and very active! My neice has called it Snowball!
It was in the tank with a few cichlids and was the only to live, she said that they had ick or something.. no wonder!
Can anyone tell me what kind of fish this is and what fish (if any) are known to live well with them, we have a 10g tank.


neat! its a golden gourami, or something i've seen called a platinum gourami. they're sweet!!! i love Gouramis!!

this one shouldn't get much bigger if s/he was is those conditions for as long as s/he was, they eat most flake and small floating pellets and feel for sunken food on the bottom with their "feelers" as i call em, the long antenna like fins on their chest. they're pretty neat fish to watch, mine feel around the bags of new fish and touch each other and the other fish. good save!!!

cichlids bad tho. not good with em, try other gouramis, tetra, mollies, platties, pretty much any peaceful or semi-aggressive fish. i've had fish like this one in with some "aggressive" fish but mine were too fat and happy to worry about fighting. (ex. i have a large and a small goldfish with my oscars, and they dont even bother with them)
My mother bought a tank from a woman she knows from work, it was so dirty. Took me a good hour to clean it!
There was a dead cichlid in the rocks, and the water was black!
She had the tank for a year and it was NEVER once cleaned.
It came with a fish, cute little guy! Friendly and very active! My neice has called it Snowball!
It was in the tank with a few cichlids and was the only to live, she said that they had ick or something.. no wonder!
Can anyone tell me what kind of fish this is and what fish (if any) are known to live well with them, we have a 10g tank.


neat! its a golden gourami, or something i've seen called a platinum gourami. they're sweet!!! i love Gouramis!!

this one shouldn't get much bigger if s/he was is those conditions for as long as s/he was, they eat most flake and small floating pellets and feel for sunken food on the bottom with their "feelers" as i call em, the long antenna like fins on their chest. they're pretty neat fish to watch, mine feel around the bags of new fish and touch each other and the other fish. good save!!!

cichlids bad tho. not good with em, try other gouramis, tetra, mollies, platties, pretty much any peaceful or semi-aggressive fish. i've had fish like this one in with some "aggressive" fish but mine were too fat and happy to worry about fighting. (ex. i have a large and a small goldfish with my oscars, and they dont even bother with them)

We got two platies yesterday and they seem to getting along fine :D
Pet shop worker said they'd do well together.
Thanks for the info! He is a very funny fish to watch! LOL!
They also told us that the baby cichlids were ready to go and that they'd take them.. they are almost 3 weeks now.
Anyone know when they should be removed from the parents?
We want to give them away asap, but don't want to harm them. (tank needs a cleaning!)
We got two platies yesterday and they seem to getting along fine :D
Pet shop worker said they'd do well together.
Thanks for the info! He is a very funny fish to watch! LOL!
They also told us that the baby cichlids were ready to go and that they'd take them.. they are almost 3 weeks now.
Anyone know when they should be removed from the parents?
We want to give them away asap, but don't want to harm them. (tank needs a cleaning!)

Platies might not do so well with the gourami, they can be agressive and platies are a bit small, so could take some real damage; no matter what the pet shop worker said.
As for selling them at 3 weeks old, do this only if you want to kill them. They wll be far too small for someone to look after properly. They are too frail to be sold. I sugest that you keep them until they get 3cm at least before selling them.
We got two platies yesterday and they seem to getting along fine :D
Pet shop worker said they'd do well together.
Thanks for the info! He is a very funny fish to watch! LOL!
They also told us that the baby cichlids were ready to go and that they'd take them.. they are almost 3 weeks now.
Anyone know when they should be removed from the parents?
We want to give them away asap, but don't want to harm them. (tank needs a cleaning!)

Platies might not do so well with the gourami, they can be agressive and platies are a bit small, so could take some real damage; no matter what the pet shop worker said.
As for selling them at 3 weeks old, do this only if you want to kill them. They wll be far too small for someone to look after properly. They are too frail to be sold. I sugest that you keep them until they get 3cm at least before selling them.

In my experience it depends on the fish. So far so good. If I see a change in the Gourami's attitude (becomes agressive) then we will remove them.
As for the cichlids, 3cm? They have a long way to go then! I was worried that the shop might just be saying that to get them for free. I'll deff hang onto them.
They told us that at the age they are the parents will start to eat them, there arn't as many as before, but I don't know if they have been eaten or not.
In my experience it depends on the fish. So far so good. If I see a change in the Gourami's attitude (becomes agressive) then we will remove them.
As for the cichlids, 3cm? They have a long way to go then! I was worried that the shop might just be saying that to get them for free. I'll deff hang onto them.
They told us that at the age they are the parents will start to eat them, there arn't as many as before, but I don't know if they have been eaten or not.

I dont think the parents will start to eat them quite yet, when they get bigger they may be attacked. I would devide the tank or move the babies when you notice this happening.
Would it be alright to clean the tank and put the parents and the babies back in? They arn't eating the babies at all.

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