Baby Biorb Stocking Advice


New Member
Aug 17, 2009
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I know, I KNOW. It's only 4 gallons. But I want a little tank at work to keep me pleasant. I have the means to change water once a week, and I do not intend to be a fish abuser.

Okay, so, I got this baby biOrb for my birthday from my husband, and I have to use it or it will break his heart. Also -- I think the tank is kinda rad, if on the small side.

I have been sifting through various scenarios, so, let me list the different stocks I am mulling over and maybe you guys could give your own suggestions or tips?

Stocking Thought 1:
Guppies. Just fancy guppies. Probably 4. (1 male, 3 female)... I dunno

Stocking Thought 2:
3 Guppies (1 M/ 2F)
and a pygmy cory cat?

Stocking Thought 3:
Just a singular pet cory?
You know, a singular little buddy fish (I <3 catfish)
Or some kindof small fish that can be comfortable here by itself at full adult size... (Does the cory even qualify? Probably not...)

Stocking Thought 4:
3 pygmy corys?

Stocking Thought 5:
1 Bumblebee Goby
3 Celestichthys margaritatus
or just 3 (1M/2F) guppies

Explanation of ST5: I um... have really bad New Fish Syndrome for Bumblebee Gobys... I have to have one.... like... now.... But I don't want it to be miserable, so if I can't have it in the biOrb, I WILL make a tank JUST so that I can have like 5 of these...
Also I think that these C. margaritatus' are sooo awesome because they are pretty and they stay small... but I bet I can't find any anyway...

I really wish there was some sort of fish index searchable by maximum size.... But I can't find one.
I'd say a definite no to guppies, especially not females - you'd be overstocked instantly.

What about shrimp? (BTW, I know nothing about shrimp really so it may be too small for them too.)
Thanks for all the suggestions!

So, no corys.. I kinda figured after I looked around some more. But what about those pygmys?

As for guppies... Yeah... I only said females because I didn't want fighting. Will males fight if there are no females to fight for?

And the C. Margaritatus -- these are great but they are not commonly bred yet, and collection hasade them scarce. So it feels irresponsible.

Betta-- I have one and I'm looking for something different.

I guess what I am really looking for are some interesting little fish that stay around an inch or so. Any ideas?
Thanks for all the suggestions!

So, no corys.. I kinda figured after I looked around some more. But what about those pygmys?

As for guppies... Yeah... I only said females because I didn't want fighting. Will males fight if there are no females to fight for?

And the C. Margaritatus -- these are great but they are not commonly bred yet, and collection hasade them scarce. So it feels irresponsible.

Betta-- I have one and I'm looking for something different.

I guess what I am really looking for are some interesting little fish that stay around an inch or so. Any ideas?
ember tetras
microrasbora mereh
microrasbora briggitea
microrasbora kubotai
If you get the tank cycled and well filtrated then you might get away with (I might get shot for suggesting lol)

1 betta
4 pgymy corys

Ooh, thanks for the list of tinies, truckasauras123.

I really like those M. briggittae.

Went to my LFS and asked about Galaxy Rasboras/Celestial Pearl Danios. The owner said he could get them for me for 2.99... Which surprised me. I kept reading like... 10 dollars for a one inch fish...

If my LFS can get them so easily, maybe the articles I have read are old, and they are strong enough in captivity breeding that I am not hurting the wild population... He said he was ordering them tomorrow whether I bought them or not, so I might as well have them I guess...

Anyway... I think I decided on 3/4 C. margaritatus and one oto cat. But I will ask about M. briggittae.

I have to wait for next Monday to even put water in my tank since this is to go on my desk at work, and I don't start at my new job until then.

I have beaten away my New Fish Syndrome with much difficulty for the cute little bumblebee goby. I'm going to maneuver my way past the hubby into a special tank built around them!
I just read the article on fishless cycling... It sounds super. I was thinking that maybe I should set up my tank at home to cycle, and then transport the tank to work, set it up, watch it for a day or so, then get my fishes. This way I don't waste a week.

What do you guys think?

EDIT: Does anybody have a water test kit that they recommend? I had one with like 6 different vials and test tubes... does anyone have one that's more like a pool kit -- something more centralized?

Also -- I bought some Top Fin Aponogeton bulbs from petsmart because they were like a dollar. I figured if they couldn't go in my biOrb they could go somewhere else.

What do you think, can I have plants in the baby biOrb? If I get the oto cat, should I just get a decent fake plant that he can keep clean?
Yes, you should fishless cycle your tank. Esp. as it's so small any changes in the water will affect the fish very quickly. It can take over 8 weeks, so be prepared. The galalxies are very pretty little fish and are tank bred quite commonly now. I think the price tells you if they're wild caught or captive bred. 2.99 sounds like captive bred.
Even flashier and still stay small are male endlers. I have 6 of each in a larger tank than yours and they are fab :)
please dont buy galacy rasboras at this moment in time.

there are no proper breeders at the moment and their populations are being decimated...they were discovered in 2006 and put on the highly endangered list in 2008

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