Baby Betta Food Mix ???

Kinda Fishey

Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
I saw a recipe for Betta fry food , on one of the Thailand breeders webpages.
It was Boiled Egg , Some sort of babyfood, ?________________? mixed together, and sprayed onto the water surface with a spray bottle. ( Spray bottle probably for a big operation )
I can't locate this recipe or webpage , Can anyone help ???
I can help, by reccommending you feed fry nothing but live food. Live food is the best, and sometimes the only food they will eat. I would advise reading the pinned topic in this section on breeding before you commence. Good luck. :thumbs:
A lot of Thai breeders prefer plain hard-boiled egg yolk as a first food, and I have used it myself. There are a couple of ways to do it -- the spray bottle method is one.

I just take a tiny pinch of the egg yolk, squish it between my fingers in a cup with a bit of tank water, then stir it vigorously with a spoon, breaking up any chunks. When the yolk has dispersed fully through the water, gently drip it or very slowly pour it onto the surface of the water. It will disperse as a cloud of tiny particles, but there shouldn't be so much that the water goes cloudy.

Hard-boiled egg yolk is a fine first food for fry up to one week old (although some Thai breeders continue with it to 2 weeks), when you can introduce BBS.

Vicki PS
Thanks for the input guys.
I'm not ready to breed anything now. Need to get organized, gather a lot of jars.
There was a lot more practical advice on the web site.
At first glance, it seems that ,If, (IF) you can get the fry to eat the boiled egg yellow , It probably contains more food value than allmost anything else.
I bet it could foul a tank quick though.
Thanks again
I start bbs at free swimming :thumbs: Get yourself a microworm culture, it's the easiest way if you don't want to start on bbs.

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