Baby Betta Boom


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Is it me or are we having a betta baby boom! It makes a nice change to read about the successful spawn's and their progress!

Congrats everyone!

Is it me or are we having a betta baby boom! It makes a nice change to read about the successful spawn's and their progress!

Congrats everyone!


Yes it does seem that way!!! :lol: Luckily i am one of them, im just going to add another post could do with your tips!! :thumbs:
Yes, it sure does. But I absolutely love reading about other peoples spawns. Although it makes me wish I had little betta babies again. *sighs* :)
I'm excited because I'm getting ready to set up and cycle the breeding tank for Splashluff's babies! :hyper:
We sure are having a fry boom, it seems! Juvies all over the place... I'm getting the itch again :shifty:
I had the itch but didnt realise that I'd come out with so many fry I counted Cobolt's fry last night and got up to 90 and gave in after that as there were fry all over the place!

I have a couple of questions and really can't be bothered to start a new thread!

1. Gabriels eggs which were laid on Wednesday are being really slow to hatch could this be because it's his first time? I saw a few which had hatched this morning but alot were still eggs when I left.

2. I have some 12day old fry and I was looking in on them this morning and realised that there were a couple that were half the size of the others they only like they are five days old (going on the size difference) I'm feeding loads of bbs and I have seen them eat it should I be worried or is this normal at this stage?

3. How on earth do I get decent pics all mine come out blurry and it is driving me mad

Elise - Can't wait to see your babies when they arrive!

Synirr - Who do you think you are going to breed next? I cant wait to hear about it!
Synirr - Who do you think you are going to breed next? I cant wait to hear about it!
Firstly will be the copper-black CT plakat and copper-black DT plakat I'm getting supposedly this coming week... this is the male:

and a male sibling of the female I'm getting:

I'm also gonna breed a copper or gold marble DT lady from my current spawn to Leviathan, who has marbled himself:

and Astaroth will get a marble bride from this spawn too :D
Impressive specimens Synirr! :nod:

My brother had to leave his bettas and fry with me because he got assigned to another province for his work.
He left me 2 adult CT's, 5 female PK's (an opaque white female was included - WOW!) and 14 (8weeks old) CT fry.

A friend also dropped a CT pair in my care.

Aside from my own PK fry... I'm about to go crazy! :fun:
Think of all the fishy hormones swirling around your house Synirr! :lol:
Wow Synirr they are gorgeous!

I'm sad as the last of my fry which had made it to two wks died yesterday! Not sure what wiped them out! Oh well I've still got the latest batch which are nearly a week old! I'm sure the last one that died was a male too as I caught it attacking its reflection a couple of times!

I can't wait to see your new babies!

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