

Those are baby white clouds. You did not see any eggs because they are tiny and would have been camoflagedby your substrate. The parents will probably eat them. they will not hurt any of your other fish. Many fry succrete a special mucus that helps them not waist energy by remaining stationary on a rock or tank glass as the case may be. The green spots are probably algea.

Also you can't keep white clouds well in that small a tank. While they may be small fish they were born to swim and need open tracks of water; atleast 20 inches.
For those of you that gave me advice, thank you! As for my question, I vacuum the gravel and change the water regularly, and I only feed my fish as much as they can consume in a few minutes. There is very seldom any left over food. How often should I vacuum the gravel and how much of a water change do I do each time? Maybe I am not doing it enough, even though I am consistent with my cleaning. And is there any way that I can get rid of the algae on the glass?
When i do water changes, its the exact same time as i vaccume the gravel lol
every 3 weeks for me
I vacuum my gravel and do water changes every 2 weeks, so I'm not sure what else I can do, unless I start cleaning once a week I guess. But it really doesn't seem dirty to me at all. I'm still unsure about the brown algae and what I can do to prevent it. Does the lighting of my tank and how long it is on have anything to do with it? Or maybe the natural light coming in through my window?
too much light is usually the cause of algae. since you have the plec in there, i'd do the water change and gravel vac weekly, as plecs are major waste producers, though you may not necessarily "see" it.
I agree they sound like baby white clouds, especially if you keep your gravel nice and clean :nod: I guess you'll just have to watch and see if any grow up to know for sure :thumbs:

For the other topic on this thread, yes a fish can be stunted in a tank that is too small, doesn't happen to all of them, but quite a few. Also, Blue Ice I am offended that you imply there are no REAL experts on this forum and that if a person were to want REAL advice they should join another. I find that to be a very arrogent statement, I suppose you only come here to show us peons pictures of what a REAL expert's fish look like. :whistle:
Mods Note...........

When I first saw that this thread had gone off topic and the exchanges between some of the members had become heated, I thought about deleting these posts and issuing warnings to all those involved, but then I saw it go back on track and hoped it was over.

Now I see that another off topic post has been made and I want to caution all the members against responding to it. If anyone does respond I will issue warnings that will become part of their permanent record and could result in the termination of their membership.

Please respect Mike&Diana's thread and make your responses appropriate only to their questions.

In case anyone has any questions, please click on this link for the definition of Trolling and Flaming.

Planaria are more like tiny white worms IME; when i had a problem with them i reduced feeding to every other day and my Gourami's did the rest they love them!
As stated previously they do not harm fish, but are an indication that you are possibly overfeeding and not keeping up your tank maintenance (Gravel Vac and Water Change weekly and Filter and peripheral cleaning every month or so for me)

Since you keep up on your maintenance, and i do not recall seeing planaria with eyes, i would imagine they are fry of some sort.
Sounds like the White Cloud experts have spotted that already.

Brown/Rusty alagae. My tank had a problem with this since i increased the lighting to aid plant growth.
There are a number of options but noe as effective and "safe" as cleaning it off with an algae scraper. For glass you can get magnetic ones that stick to the side of the tank glass.
I personally would avoid putting uneccessary chemicals into the tank....
You could also consider getting some Otto's, who will eat pretty much any type of algae.... Pleco's do not eat as many varieties IME..... My pleco did nothing for my algae problem.

You would have to check if you tank is big enough to house Otto's of course.... do your research ;)

babys :thumbs:

my uncle is a breeder, so from the discription they sound like fry :nod:

if im wrong, oh well

any congrats
If they are planaria, they are getting bigger and they don't seem white to me. They have a clear body, I even think I am starting to see little stomachs. I hope they are fry, I'm anxious to see what happens when they get even bigger. I don't have anywhere to put them. The whiteclouds are in my 3G tank, and there are three white clouds and 1 ADF, so there's no more room for any more fish. And my tank is too small for ottos for the algae problem. My tank is not glass, I'm not sure exactly what it is. Can I still use the algae scraper for glass on the sides of my tank or will it scratch it?

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