

New Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Gues what guys my Dalmation Molly had some babies! I've caught about 7 of them and put them in one of the plastic floating boxes. I'm feeding them crushed flakes twice a day.

Is there anything else I should be doing? I know that once they double in size they can roam free!

My wife and I almost had a heart attack when we saw them!!!

I was neglecting my baby (she's 15 mths) last night so I felt a bit guilty. Hope to make it up to her tonight!!!
cograts on thiese new arrivals, they will do great, go and get them some freshly hatched live brine shrimps to build them up into smashing liitle beggers
The only problem is I can't get to the fish shop until the weekend!!!!

I'm worried they won't survive...

My fatherly instict is kicking in!! :)
that's livebearers for ya, they eat and breed :rolleyes:
Warmer temps speed up the growth but decrease the lifespan by a little (or so I've heard)
While normal temps make them grow bit slow but they have a decent lifespan (or so I've heard....again)
Also, do you have a brackish tank? Mollies need either a brackish tank or a really clean tank so they don't get diseases like ich and fungus often. Also, the babies will have an easier time catching diseases.
And expect babies from your platies as well! They are also livebearers that breed like crazy!
they will be fine on crushed flake until you get to LFS, they are real hardy fry, if your tank isnt brackish then just keep regular water changes up and keep an eye on water stats, mollies will survive in non brackish water if its clean. enjoy the moment mate they will be fine.......i promise, just wait until they are big enough not to be eaten before you let them back into the main tank
Hey guys,

yeah I added 11 teaspoons of salt to the tank the other day.

I changed 15% of the water yesterday but didn't add any more salt.. maybe I should.... hmmm

Thanks for your help. This forum is excellent!!

To be honest, I'm not sure if it's fry from the Platy's or Dalmations..

The Dalmation looks pregnant all the time, so it's hard to tell.

One of the really small platy's has been acting weird.. so I don't know.

How can you tell...

Anyone got pics of fry- Platys/dalmations?

Or even Mollies haha
heres my platy fry 1 hour old

mollies tend to be more richer in colour when born

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