Babies...... How To Catch Them?

baby pics ....

Wow! Congrats on you new batch there. Aren't they so cute. Mine drop just this Sat. My platy is a small balloon sunset platy. I have 9 frys to date & 2 that she ate :sad: . I wonder if that number is a good/aprox for a drop of her size? What was the interval of your mollies drop, Pingu1997?
Hi, I'm not sure really
We got the first female from the Shop and she dropped 2 nights after we got her..
Same story with the orange mollies, the night we brought her home from the shop she had babies
No idea how many there were, I fished about 14 black and white ones, and a week later about 12 orange ones. I still spot them swimming around in the main tank but the creche is full ..... for now!
I didn't even realise the fish were pregnant, they didn't look particularly big
So sorry I don't know the answers to your questions
But yeah they are cute!
Congrats on your fry :good:

I do so miss having fry,but i sold my livebearers months ago due to mass production :rolleyes:

I found the easiest way to catch young fry is by using a turkey baster :good:
Well done on the pictures Pingu. Fry pictures can be especially hard to get. I am an experienced fish photographer and find fry among the hardest pictures to get.

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