Wow, they are both beautiful! They strike me as almost yellow - I love the lighter colored fishies
Well, i like them all, but for some reason especially fond of the lighter ones. They're all just so pretty, heh
I have a de3mon female, too - a little green one . I was rearranging/cleaning tanks on day, and her on the oppsite divider side from a red VT male. She hadn't been in there with him more than 15 minutes when I walk by and see that she had somehow made her way over to HIS side, and wasd dragging him around by the part of his tail she had managed to NOT rip off - ugh - he's in the process of healing, lol. I tried putting her in my female community, but she was too nasty, so she gets her own place
Can't wait to see all the new fish - they're ALL so pretty