Fish Connoisseur
My albino LF peppers are spawning so many eggs they have quit trying to eat them, and I have quit trying to collect them all. So now the tank bottom is covered in little white dots scampering all over the black sand!
Also my lf pandas are spawning like crazy and they have little guys running all over their tank too.
Now my sterbai are at it and they are escalating! It was a few. Now I have hung moss up high like a spawning mop. They love it and are laying eggs day and night. I am still collecting them, though.
Of course the bronze and bronze long fins are raising their babies.
The longipinnus and regular pandas for sure are spawning daily.
I hope I will soon get cracking and get some spawning groups set up with some of my others.
I may make an effort to take some pics of the scmpering wild life. They are just so cute!
Also my lf pandas are spawning like crazy and they have little guys running all over their tank too.
Now my sterbai are at it and they are escalating! It was a few. Now I have hung moss up high like a spawning mop. They love it and are laying eggs day and night. I am still collecting them, though.
Of course the bronze and bronze long fins are raising their babies.
The longipinnus and regular pandas for sure are spawning daily.
I hope I will soon get cracking and get some spawning groups set up with some of my others.
I may make an effort to take some pics of the scmpering wild life. They are just so cute!