Babies Babies Everywhere!


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
My albino LF peppers are spawning so many eggs they have quit trying to eat them, and I have quit trying to collect them all. So now the tank bottom is covered in little white dots scampering all over the black sand!

Also my lf pandas are spawning like crazy and they have little guys running all over their tank too.

Now my sterbai are at it and they are escalating! It was a few. Now I have hung moss up high like a spawning mop. They love it and are laying eggs day and night. I am still collecting them, though.

Of course the bronze and bronze long fins are raising their babies.

The longipinnus and regular pandas for sure are spawning daily.

I hope I will soon get cracking and get some spawning groups set up with some of my others.

I may make an effort to take some pics of the scmpering wild life. They are just so cute!
Several thngs dropped. First I think is the fish room. They really like that. Second is several fish "groups" :rofl: are maturing. Then of course is I am learning more all the time from my own experience and those who have bothered to share information with me. :p

Cory_Dad, stop me! before I hit too many "add reply" buttons. :lol: I am laughing now....
Jollysue, why would 'the fish room' have anything to do with it? Did you expand it?

And why was my name mentioned in vain? :p
I think that in the fish room they get less interruption from just general activity--passersby. I also speculate that they are more reassured by the sound of so much water and the sight of other fish, etc., kinda like having dither fish. All my tanks became far more active and fish that I did not see much of came out in the open more.

Before, the tanks were spread out into every room of the apartment and against every empty wall space as they piled on top of each other. LOL
:hyper: WOW, sounds like you've got your hands full. Great to hear they're all breeding so nicely. Must have some really happy cories there.

Look forward to pics.

After you collect them, where do you put them? Mine are still pretty young, but I seem to have a nack for getting tons of swords and mollies - though I am thinking I personally have nothing to do with how well they procreate. Teehee.
I am a happy and busy pearl picker for sure.

I am sadly far behind in the pic taking. I have run into a problem: I can't figure out how to turn off the auto focus so I can get the camera to focus on the thing "I" want to shoot! LOL I am too busy egg apicking and worrying about taxes LOL to read the instructions and watch the video, Alex and Carmen.

Madam Macaw, I use breeding nets to hatch and raise the eggs I harvest. That is because I am lazy and busy. I get behind in my necessary fishy duties and caring for hatcheries would be above and beyond for me. It limits the number I can raise, but I don't have time to develop the outlets and skills necessary to sell large lots anyway. So this works very well for me. I have 6 breeding nets at present. I hang them in different tanks. They are full of moss and green growing things and microbs. The babies hatch and can live on the things in the net when I forget or put off feeding. Last spring I had a net full of newly hatched babies. My son and his family had a crisis of health and asked me to come help out. I was gone almost a week and the babies did fine. I have heard that the moss etc also helps keep the water sweet--whatever that means?! What is in your Avatar, Madam Macaw?
I am a happy and busy pearl picker for sure.

I am sadly far behind in the pic taking. I have run into a problem: I can't figure out how to turn off the auto focus so I can get the camera to focus on the thing "I" want to shoot! LOL I am too busy egg apicking and worrying about taxes LOL to read the instructions and watch the video, Alex and Carmen.

Madam Macaw, I use breeding nets to hatch and raise the eggs I harvest. That is because I am lazy and busy. I get behind in my necessary fishy duties and caring for hatcheries would be above and beyond for me. It limits the number I can raise, but I don't have time to develop the outlets and skills necessary to sell large lots anyway. So this works very well for me. I have 6 breeding nets at present. I hang them in different tanks. They are full of moss and green growing things and microbs. The babies hatch and can live on the things in the net when I forget or put off feeding. Last spring I had a net full of newly hatched babies. My son and his family had a crisis of health and asked me to come help out. I was gone almost a week and the babies did fine. I have heard that the moss etc also helps keep the water sweet--whatever that means?! What is in your Avatar, Madam Macaw?

My avatar is my beautiful pleco "Camo". He was bought for a 10-gallon tank after getting information from the LFS (chain store). Unfortunately, I found out he is a common so will get much larger. This and lots of begging convinced my hubbie to get a 55 gallon for me where he currently resides with most of the other original fish bought for the 10-gallon. Then, my son caught the bug and he has a 20-gallon. Our 10-gallon is now used specifically for fry. And I could sit there all night long just looking at them.

I was so excited to see one of my sword fry is starting a "sword". Woohoo.

I have lost track of how many I have. My cories are still young, but it would be nice to someday have little ones of them too.

Oh and please PLEASE take some pics! I would love to see them.
I am afraid Madam that you have caught the most dangerous MTSD, as you well know by now. Perhaps your hubby will save you. You have all the symptoms. One of the most obvious symptoms of this ramant desease is buying a larger tank for a monster fish. I myself have upgraded for clown Loaches and frontosa, as well of course for growing populations, because I just must have everything I see.

Common Plecs are absolutely a wonderful creature! Congratulations.
I am afraid Madam that you have caught the most dangerous MTSD, as you well know by now. Perhaps your hubby will save you. You have all the symptoms. One of the most obvious symptoms of this ramant desease is buying a larger tank for a monster fish. I myself have upgraded for clown Loaches and frontosa, as well of course for growing populations, because I just must have everything I see.

Common Plecs are absolutely a wonderful creature! Congratulations.

I think I am already a gonner! My last conversation with the hubbie regarding the fish was a suggestion that when we renovate the downstairs and knock out some walls, that a 110-gallon would look perfect right there. And that way he can have a tank full of cichlids. He asked, "ummm, what are they?" to which I replied, "You know hon, those fish that you said were pretty in the store." Hey, I am just looking out for him too. Though his immune system seems to be a bit stronger than mine was.
And since when did a women EVER have a problem convincing her mate of something? <ducks and runs for cover>

My oldest just loves his Plecos; he keeps a couple of them with his Oscars.

Since he's seen my C. Napoensis though he's hinted that he 'wouldn't mind if I gave him several'. I told him that he can have them all when I die. Dumb move, now I have to constantly keep looking over my shoulder and pour my own wine.

I just hope that mine spawn a lot more then maybe I can give some to him and live out my life in peace.

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