Babies are so tiny!!


New Member
Jun 18, 2003
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Hello! I'm new here!

I have discovered newborn swordtails in our tank. They are so small!! The first batch of fry I didn't discover until they were at least 5 times the size of the newborns I have now. I would guess the older ones are about 4 weeks older that the others, if they have the same Mom. I have 2 females.

How long does it take for them to grow into adults?
How long before they will be able to survive with bigger fish?
How old do they have to be to start breeding?

I can't seem to find information on this topic anywhere.

Thanks! Marianne (rcsdklesko)
Dont know about baby swords but I have some platies that are over 2 months old and they are no where near ready for a community tank

My Swordtails are 6 weeks old tomorrow and barely 3/4" long. I read takes up to 3 or 4 months for them to get big enough to put in tank with bigger fish. I can almost see them grow daily now. My first batch. Have 10. Don't know about how old to breed. Maybe someone else can tell us.

How long before they will be able to survive with bigger fish?

It depends on what other fish you have.... if it is smaller fish like swordtails, platties, mollies, dwarf gouramis etc., within a month (when the babies have grown to about 1cm).

If there are larger more aggressive fish around then obviously longer :)
Thanks for your replies.
I was without my computer for a week so I just now got to read your replies.

The largest fish (except for the mom swordtail) are 4 black neon tetras. They aren't very big.
Swordtails are similar to Mollies and Platies if I remember right. Kinda like distant cousins the way I remember it. ANyway, yes, the adults will eat the fry. I leave my fry in the community tank and let nature take it's course. The smartest fastest survive....maybe the shyest lol. Anyway in several months, maybe 5 months, I have in excess of 15 fry. Now, if I saved them all I am sure I would have over 100 by now as I have had 6 batches to date (That I know of). Short of selling them or giving them as feeders to someone else I would be soon over-run.

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