B&W Percular Clowns.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2005
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I hear that these grow fast, well i have had mine for months and not one of them is showing any growth! are they both male? they used to get along, now they always fight and the smaller one stays on the filter.... Whats goin on with these to? why wont they grow!
Well..for one thing..if they are harassing each other..that is a very good reason. Stressed out fish aren't going to eat well or swim actively. Were they a mated pair? If not, you may want to consider taking one back to the lfs if conditions don't improve. SH
Its only just started happening recently. They have lived in harmony since i had them.
They both eat plenty, i make sure they got fat bellies on them.
They are eating fine, just not growing....
They are on frozen brine shrimp, live occasionally, and this week is mysis shrimp.
If you bought them both small then IMO it is likely the larger one is turning into a female, and establishing her dominance over the male. Does the smaller one turn on his side when the other clown come close and shake?
mr_miagi32 said:
What kind of diet are you feeding them?

you might want to change what they eat because mysis and brine shrimp dont contain that much fatty acids and nutrients so just change there diet to some thing more fatty with higher nutrient value for them,

i feed my clowns any thing cyclopeze, red krill, shrimp, flake, they even eat nori seaweed han they have been known to nibble my fingers when i get to close to there house :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yes he does go on his side and shake when it goes near it...
it used to anyways.
What does it mean?
Is biting each other fins apart of it?
The big one constantly chases the smaller one.
But now that i moved the anenome they are getting along fine.

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