
I am a female-betta-hollic! :fun: i cant get enough of these girls! :hyper: i recently lost 2 of my girls... :-( they were buddies so when the first one died, the other went downhill quickly and died within a couple of days. I was really sad and havent gotten any new ones since then. :sad: I currently have 2 females in my 10 gal. tank and my other girl is in a little almost 1 gal. tank but she loves it. :nod: I had to seperate her cause one of the girls suddenly decided she didnt like her anymore. :/ they are all thriving now tho. :) Im working on my boyfriend to let me get a male B) , and once im ready i'll always have room for more girls! ;)
but ANYHOO sign me up for B.O.A.!!!!! they really REALLY are adicting!!!!! :hyper: :nod:
I'm in. I got 5 within the past twenty days. That's almost one every four days. Am I sick?
Well you might as well add me ....I only have two right now (my third one, a girl, passed away from dropsy) but see myself getting more. Such personalities!

Scarab said:
Well you might as well add me ....I only have two right now (my third one, a girl, passed away from dropsy) but see myself getting more. Such personalities!

I got my boyfriend to finally get a male! He has a big red one named Sparky and the damned Beta loves him to death! It follows him around the room doing his little food dance.....But when I try to go up to the tank, he backs up and flares at me. The little twerp!!
I want more bettas but money, space and parents don't allow it! I've only got 2 right now, 1 male and 1 female. Both are in my room. I've had the female for quite a while now (over a year) and I got the male about a month or so ago. Neither were rescues though, I got the nice betta I seen. I've never seen a betta tank in as bad shape as you guys do and I've never even seen a betta at Walmart here!
where can i sign up? so far i've had a half-ton of Bettas including a male Blue Cambodian (Donny!), a female Cambodian (Virginia), a male Dark Purple (Mackenzie) and now i've got a male Lavender Butterfly (King), a male Purple Mutt (Pierce) and a male Five-Star :lol:

but honestly, how can you resist? i swear, the moment i walk into Wal-Mart next week it's straight for the bowls. all my allowance and lunch money for the past two weeks will go to glass Betta bowls. nothing else, i can pick that up at my LPS for half-price (after all, they can't mark rocks down as dead now can they?)

i love fish with spunk :D

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