

I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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Hello, my name is Nicole and I currently own five bettas, two of which I bought an hour ago.. :lol: :lol:

We really need to start some kind of therapy group... :drink:

Since the lfs just got in new bettas, I thought I might take a look to see if they got in any orange or yellow ones. And :wub: :look: they had a light orange one with red orange fins...had to get him, right? RIGHT! :thumbs: :lol:

But then, I went to another lfs to get Stree Coat, and I made a pity
buy :-( :wub: ;) . I've seen this poor sea green betta there for the past few months...disgusting water (if I hadn't seen him previously I wouldn't have known his color :sick: ) so I brought him home too.

They'll be named shortly.. :nod:
sign me up!!!!!!! :hyper:
i only have three, but i bought them in a span of a week and a half!!!!!!! now i'm jsut keeping an eye out for the ever elusive chocolate one or one like citrus and sprinkles (i call it grapefruit). (the orange sounds perdy).

betta addicts unite!!!! :fun:
I guess I'm one, too. ;)

I only have one so far, and I've only had him for a week, but that's only because I haven't been to the lfs. In fact, I haven't even gone in that direction.

But Ruby :wub: is so cute that I know I won't be able to resist getting another! :D

The colors they come in just amaze me. Your new ones sound wonderful, dixaisy. I really must force my self to pass up the ordinary reds and blues because if I ever see colors like that I know I'll want to buy them all. :lol: :X :lol:
Are we going to start seeing you on Ripley's Believe It Or Not ???? :lol:
:lol: :lol: Well, if I start getting tatoos and implants to start looking like a betta, then I might make an appearance on there... :lol: :alien:

So far, so good with the new arrivals...they don't seem to know how to act in a gallon of water..lol Oz (the green one) is just having a ball in there...figure eights, loops...he's one happy betta (I would be too after getting out of that mess). He never moved in the lfs, so I guess he's making up for it now. :lol:
dixaisy930 said:
:lol: :lol: Well, if I start getting tatoos
:lol: :lol: :lol: is it extremely sad that my next tattoo IS going to be OF a betta?!?!?!

Well, you know I'll be a member of b.o.a :lol: ,they're most certainly one of my weakness' You'd think at #25 I'd say noooo more! But sheesh they just keep coming home with me :rolleyes:

My husband asked "lets just say they were all in one huge tank together,could you tell them apart???" First I gasped and said "they could never be like that!" and added "but of course I could,they're all so individual....and I could also tell you WHEN & WHERE I got them and how they were found" :p :p :D

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

But I do deserve some credit...I haven't brought a new one home in a couple of months! :D I'm trying to keep my addiction under control ;) :p :lol:
How did you end up with your first betta and how long have you had him?

I think I see myself having 20+ bettas at the rate I'm going... :lol:

Now, are they all your basic blues, reds, purple, etc....or do you have some real unique ones? But aren't they all unique in there own way? :wub: :wub:
congrats dix on the new bettas! i just had a dream the other night of finding a yellow one with redish orange markings! k now that's getting sad............where can i sign up for BOA? :lol: i currently own 4 bettas and i would have at least twice that is my mom would let me........but they r taking over the house soooo :thumbs: i really want to c some pix of your new boys!!!!!!! :wub:

o and i'm currently on a quest to find a white or black betta......or a pretty crowntail :hyper: ugh i thing the list is gonna get longer.....i also want a double tail....etc etc etc
I really need to try and get some pics up...I'm sure Dogma would love to show off for the camera...he is one hansome boy...but all of my bettas are... :wub:

Oz really is neat looking...I don't think I've really ever seen a pastel betta before. :)

I think Saphia really has a personality already...and she's really made Nux liven up. But who can blame him...she's a cutie! lol
I've had bettas since I was a kiddo,I've always loved them. The last one I had was about 4 years ago...he lived with me for almost 4 years but passed away shortly after my daughter was born, I didn't have any for a couple years after that....until one day when Tuesday was almost 3 she stopped at the betta rack in Wal-mart and started going on & on about this male,so we bought him,that was about a year and a half ago. So that's our oldest male. Then about a few months later I found a red one that I had to have ...and then another & another :hyper: :rolleyes:

The first 6 or so were just from wanting them....but the rest were pity purchases :lol: ...dirty water or being near death in a cup....I'm doomed if they look at me all pathetic like or "get up" like I'm going to feed them in the store...I wind up taking them home and my biggest weakness is...picking up a betta to look at him and then setting him back down with the others,the look of disappointment just kills me so I always take him home :rolleyes:

And yes,they are all so unique :wub: :wub: :wub: with one thing in common...they love food!! :lol:
Lol @ this thread!! Sign me up!!!! Although one of my males is looking worse for wear at the mo, betcha dimes to dollars that when I go to the lfs after work to pick up some more t.c., I'll probably see another betta I just have to have (I know they got more in yesterday :rolleyes:).
Sign me up too!! I have 14 now! I bought two more today out of pity. I rescued one from Wal Mart than some sick kid had mixed in with another male...His fins are all torn.. He has a lavender body and Dark redish-purple fins and gill covers. His name is Streaks and he is about 4 inches long. I love him already and he seems much happier with me. I also bought a new Shadow! :D Shadow Two. ;) He's smaller than Shadow was, but has more color. :DD

OoOoo I saw Matrix Revolutions today! KILLER MOVIE! MUST SEE! <is going to mary Keanu Reeves if my boyfriend doesn't kill him fist. Teeheehee>
*raising hand*

Can I sign up, too? I have 4 bettas (2 males and 2 females). I bought them all within the span of 2 weeks. I found myself going to Walmart everyday (the ONLY place in this area with females, it seems) to search for more females.

It's an addiction most defenitely and I need help.

"Hello, my name is Cali and I'm a bettaholic."
This is a little off topic but, an otto probably wouldn't work in a one gallon, unfiltered rectangle tank with a betta, would it?

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