B/N Fry Help


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
OK so, Paddy (Mr Bristles) has only gone and kicked ALL of the corys out of their fave bogwood cave so that he can look after Maggie's (Mrs Bristles) eggs.
I need to help this guy out now as my one remaining Danio is hanging round for any chance he might get at snacking on the eggs.
Any suggestions on moving the danio? Do you think he'd be OK if I put him in with a betta sorority?
Eggs take about 5 days to hatch, is that right?
Then another 5 days (there abouts) to become free swimming?

Should I remove them at any time and pop them into my fry tank? (4 juvi pepper corys, 1 juvi hastatus and a few albino fry)
I'm guessing it's going to be a good idea to put a mesh or sponge over my filter intake?
How big/small are these (bn) fry going to be? How many should I expect?
dont have a LOT of experience but my bns bred for the first time about a month ago
personally, as soon as i found the eggs, moved the fake root that they spawned in into my fry tank, did not take them out of the water rather lowered a jug in and moved it into the jug, my ones did perfectly fine with a fluval 2+, mind you when i cleaned my filter about 5 days after being free swimming there were about 7 fell out (perfectly fine) but if you are going for a bigger survival rate i wouldnt say a sponge filter or meshing the filter would do any harm, as for numbers i got 50 on the nose, again though i dont know what the normal number is
Ah, there's no way I can move the bogwood they've spawned on into my fry tank

I've also found there is zero chance of catching the danio (unless I drain the tank so he can't go over/under the nets).
I'm just hoping that Paddy can do his stuff and let nature take it's course...
Hi JustKia :)

You could, but I wouldn't recommend it. From what I've seen, the BN fry are just too big and messy to raise in the same tank with the more delicate cory fry. If you feed them vegetables (which they can eat from the beginning) they will pollute the water. If you feed wafers, the corys won't be able to compete for it.

It's time to get another tank. :whistle:
Interesting you should say that LOL...
In 2 weeks, after the new bettas have been quarentined, the 2 girls will move into the sorority, the 3 "old" boys will move into barracks alongside the 3 "new"boys, leaving me with an empty tank

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