Axolotls And Eggs


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
western australia
here is my axolotls and eggs



the eggs are about 2 weeks old int hat picture should hatch any day now
lol no its different. its related to slamander thou they are kinda a larvaie of a salamander althou they do not metamorph unless forsed to
can you give me some more information about them? What size tank do you keep them in? Can you keep them with larger fish?
Cool, good luck.

Sorry but can you not make that your signiture, its kinda big for a sig.
Raechal, bigger fish often nip their delicate gills the sort of 'fluffy' part on them.

i would love to get some just no room for any.

im shure i read somewhere there a mutant slamaner through human error

back in the 1830's some french scientists collected one in the exotics and not realising it was amphibious just took it home in a glass jar of water with limited breathing space it adapted to living under water and all axalots decend from this single one :huh: also if you slowly decrease the volume of water in thier tank (but leaving enough to submerge themselves) they can re develope into a land creature

PLEASE dont trust any of that infor but i read it on some random site, i would also like details of the tank temperature and water conditions they require as one of my lfs has one id love to take home :)

:edit: that site is amazing and i think im going to have to get another tank hehe 8)
umm they are cold water they would need a ph of about 7-8 and they dont need alot of space i have my 2 in 30ltrs and they are about 20cm they realy dont need alot

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