

Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Gonna try to keep this as short as possible b/c I tend to ramble heh...

Well our 28 gallon has been having a hell of a time trying to cycle. Our Q/H tank was finally free so we put the remaining fish into it (betta and 4 cories) so we could try to fishless cycle the pain-in-the-butt tank.

The fish were fine in the 5 gallon for a few days, but today I woke to see that the 2 green cories were covered with a white substance. You know how it looks when you get a bad sunburn and your skin starts peeling off? It looks like they had that human peeling skin all over them.
They were really bad. The female is breathing very rapidly and just doesn't look great, while the male is just very listless.
Anyways... we medicated the tank straight away as soon as we saw this.
Since then I've noticed my betta Bluebell doing the most unusual thing.
She's been laying with the sick cories.
When they were in the 28gal, the most she would do was follow them around on occasion and chase them away when they found their algae wafer so she could munch on it.

Neither she or the other 2 cories are showing any physical signs of sickness. Specially her since she ate with gusto this evening and swimming around with her usual begging for food wiggly self.

I've watched her when she wasn't looking to make sure she wasn't trying to harm the sick cories, and she's definitely not.
It's just so sweet but so sad, b/c I dunno if the cories are going to make it.. specially the female.

I just thought I'd share. You always see people posting how bettas aren't sociable fish and well, my betta girl is proving that wrong right now with her actions.

Here is a pic I snapped of her laying with them. The 2 greens are in front.. the white stuff on them has decreased a bit. and 1 of the sterbai are behind the greens.
I had to take the picture from afar to make sure I didn't disturb them.
I just went to check on them again, she was hovering above the cories just staring at them like she was making sure they were ok. It's all very strange. I really don't know what to make of it.
I'd be worried that she was going to try to harm them if I hadn't seen her laying with them before.
That's so sweet. I hope they get better for you. My roles were swapped in my tank; my cories loved swimming around with my female bettas. Good luck.
She is a good one, take care of her. I don't know if this was me being oblivious again, but if you didn't name her, name her nurse. :blush: :wub: :nod: :lol: :fun: ;) :) :p :D
Am I in illegal smiley usage?
Heh, her name is Bluebell..
But I could call her Nurse Bluebell.. I actually like the sound of that lol.

Thanks all for the kind replies.
Everything has been going great. The cories are back to being themselves, and the betta is still her begging for food self.

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