Awww He Dead!

R.I.P Michael Jackson

You Are The King Of Pop And You Will Never Be Forgotten

Still Can't Believe That You Have Gone

Gone But Never Forgotten <3
I grew up with listening to his music as teen but went away from it as I got older. It's a shame how his live has gone in the last few year with the court issues and the like. I doubt that anyone other than possibly Elvis Presley has ever had the fan base that he had. Sadly, both died young.

It really was odd to have 3 icons such as Michael, Ed McMahon and Farrah all pass in the same week and really strange to have Farrah and Michael on the same day. I can't ever remember (and I'm 57 years old) two icons like that passing on the same day other than possibly in some type accident.
Not a fan of his, and he was definitely a strange one, but the fella could sing and dance. At least now he can find peace in that troubled mind of his.

I heard lots of tributes from fans on the radio today, and whilst I understand that the man was a phenomenon, some bloke in the USA was saying that his death was more important in US history, than the events of 9/11. Now come on surely that is well over the top ?
some bloke in the USA was saying that his death was more important in US history, than the events of 9/11. Now come on surely that is well over the top ?
I dont know how to quantify that statement.... but anyway.

For all his failings...He was a great singer, a great dancer and a great showman weither you liked the guy or not.
The possible scenario (from my perspective) would have been the thought of an ailing megastar on the wane (deeply in debt) wanting to give one last earth stopping series of concerts to clear the decks and bow out gracefully.
I don't think he could handle that pressure and found comfort in his Meds. The doctor who prescribed those Meds now comes under scrutiny. but he is probably on the Jackson payroll and just couldn't say NO to the powerful demands of such a wealthy superstar.
The Kids are a big concern of mine presently. Why (by taking Meds) was he thinking only of banishing his own daemons and not the long-term welfare of his children who if not already will be mentally scarred by all this.
I beg the question "Was it Suicide", I guess we'll never fully know the truth.
It will be taking up to eight weeks to collate all the evidence to ascertain how Michael actually died.
The Jackson family are that rich and powerful that whose to say that those findings cant or wouldn't be tainted in any way, to protect both Michael's and the Jackson family's integrity.
Just a thought
Just thought I'd update that the autopsy was completed. It's inconclusive so far, they're waiting on the tox reports since they couldn't find anything. I came across one article that said they are confident the tox reports will be the answer, so without actually saying so it seems they are leaning towards the meds as the contributing factor.


Also, has anyone read about Joe Jackson's remarks after the autopsy? :blink: You know sadly enough I think a lot of Michael's (and his brothers and sisters) problems were caused by their father.
"That's what we're trying to find out right now," Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, told PEOPLE when asked about reports his son's death was tied to prescription drugs. "We're trying to find out that information. When we find it out, we'll know."

The elder Jackson hinted at troubles in the life of his son, who died Thursday at age 50 after suffering cardiac arrest at his Los Angeles home. "There's a lot to be told, though, I'll tell you that right now. The truth!" he says. "The truth is still to be told."

Altogether a sad situation, like him or not it's really too bad that his death is such a media circus.
Like Presley, a sad, tacky (perhaps even predictable) end to an out of control later life. Too many paid friends, not enough genuine ones. Those O2 Arena shows were never going to happen as he'd not shown for a lot of the rehearsals anyway. A lot of lawyers are going to make a lot of money cleaning up this mess. At his death, he was still around $150-$200 MILLION in debt. Seems a lot of people aren't guaranteed to get their ticket money back, either. An awful mess.
Also, has anyone read about Joe Jackson's remarks after the autopsy? :blink: You know sadly enough I think a lot of Michael's (and his brothers and sisters) problems were caused by their father.
"That's what we're trying to find out right now," Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, told PEOPLE when asked about reports his son's death was tied to prescription drugs. "We're trying to find out that information. When we find it out, we'll know."

The elder Jackson hinted at troubles in the life of his son, who died Thursday at age 50 after suffering cardiac arrest at his Los Angeles home. "There's a lot to be told, though, I'll tell you that right now. The truth!" he says. "The truth is still to be told."
If I read correctly, his dad was not mentioned in his will.

The latest report that I just read is from a RN that does nutrition counseling and had worked with him. She says that based on a phone call she received 4 days before his death that she thinks someone gave him Diprivan which apparently is a very powerful sedative used as an anesthetic in operating rooms. The police have said that the doctor that was there when they arrived was not a suspect but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if that changed once the final autopsy findings are available to police.

Insomniac Jackson begged for drug

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