Average life span....

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

Anywhere I can go to get the average life span of most common tropical fish? Like to gauge my success in some way...!


That's comparing apples and oranges, but here's a few common species I know about:

Killifish - 1 year
Beckford's pencilfish - 18 mths to 2 years
Black neon tetras - 6-8 years
Cardinal tetras - 6 years
Bettas - 2-6 years in captivity
Goldfish - 25 years
Mollies - 2-3 years
Oscars - 20 years
That's comparing apples and oranges

Sorry Anna how do u mean?

Thanks for the info on the ones u know about :thumbs: but not sure what u mean about comparisons? I just wondered what age I can expect from keeping certain fish if the community water parameters are kept well...

Cheers again.

I think she means that you need to be more specific. All fish live different lengths of time. If you post the fish you have / want i'm sure someone will be able to come up with some figures for you.
All fish live different lengths of time.

I kinda guessed that!!!!

Just wondered if there was a website that contained a listing...

Anyway, the ones I am most interested in Kev, are:

Kuhli Loaches
Zebra Danios

Thanks again for your quick responses...

that was a great question i never really thought about how long fish were supposed to live
i'm very curious as well. if someone could find a list online or something that had average lifespans that would be very cool.

i am most interested in ...

firemouth cichlid

redtail shark

tiger barb

so if anyone knows the lifespans of these, let me know!

- kip

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