Australian predator compatibility


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Queensland Australia
I want to start off a predatory tank. It will b started off with little fish in a 3ft tank then move to a 6ft wen they out grow the 3ft. I want 2 jardini saratogas, 2 barramundi, 2 archer fish?, and 2 bullrout. I want all of these but the archer fish, if its not sutible, i'll give it a miss. I will try to get them at the same size. Should it b ok?

I dont think a 5ft fish (Barramundi) can go in a 6ft tank dude lol i dont know why LFS sell them for because know one has the room for them, so wipe them off the list. Archer fish get to about 35cm or so 2 should be fine. as for the Bullroat they live in Brackish water, even though they can live in freshwater they are best keept in brackish or marine.
The only good time to keep to jardini's together if your not bothered that they're going to rip eachother into shreds and feel like throwing hundered of dollars down the drain :lol: so i would strongly advise against it. One would be ok in a 6ft tank (assuming it's 6x2x2') but definantly not two, jardinis are one of the most aggresive arowana species...

Barramundi and archerfish are both brackish so they can't be kept with the jardini anyway, and i have no idea about but vip says they live in brackish water, so i'll take his word for it.

It pretty much boils down to the option that you can keep 1 jardini and some larger fish that will be able to stand they're ground against it (i'd consult CFC for help deciding what will go and what wont) or you can go down the brackish path and again get some help from somebody who know brackish fish better than i do (again, consult CFC :lol:)

Good luck with the tank(s)! :thumbs:
As said Scleropages jardini is a very very aggressive fish and once over 12" become extreemly difficult to house with any other fish unless the tank is huge and the tankmates are tough, i keep mine in a 200 gallon tank with a oscar, predatory catfish, bichirs and stingrays, note how all but the oscar are bottom dwellers since the arowna attemptes to kill anything that swims more than 12 inches above the substrate.

Also as said all the other fish you chose are brackish fish, the bullrout and archers could share the same tank with no problems but the barramundi would destroy everything in the tank once it grew over a foot.
Barramundi are found in fresh water. We have them in dams around here. Same with bullrout, they are found in fresh water streams. And archer fish survive in fresh water, i used to have 1. Also with the barramundi i will get rid of them b4 they get 2 big 4 the other fish. I'll just get 1 saratoga.

And archer fish survive in fresh water, i used to have 1.

used to have 1 pretty much summarises the point that they are brackish, they can survive in freshwater for short periods of time, but they can't live in a freshwater tank on a permanent basis, the same with the barramundi.
If you put a jardini with archer fish the archers will be dead inside 6 months, i keep both fish (seperately of course) and believe me archers are no match for the pure aggressive power of a jardini arowana.

What species of archer fish are you planing on keeping, if they are the common Toxtes jaculatrix then they will need to be moved into salted water as they grow.
I hate this when it gets too big I'll get rid of it attitude that so many fishkeepers have.

Why do people keep fish that are too big for anyone's tank and then say they'll get rid of it.. no one will want it! so what will you do? kill it?

If you lived in a one-bedroom apartment, would you buy a tiger, then 'get rid of it' once it stopped being a cub?... actually, scratch that, if it were legal, people probably would. :/

Do not buy fish that you cannot house for life
-unless you have a 1000% certain way of passing it on before you buy it.

Rant over.
The bullrouts and archers would be alright together (IN BRACKISH WATER!), but other than them, the tank combo. wouldn't work at all.
I might go with just the saratoga, barra and bullrout. For al you who say that barras and bullrout need to go into saltwater, that is incorrect. Bullrout are found in freshwater streams. Also barramundi are found in freshwater rivers and dams and lakes. Those 3 should go ok.
Rainbow_fish said:
I might go with just the saratoga, barra and bullrout. For al you who say that barras and bullrout need to go into saltwater, that is incorrect. Bullrout are found in freshwater streams. Also barramundi are found in freshwater rivers and dams and lakes. Those 3 should go ok.
You seem to have made up your mind, why ask us?

never said a barra is a saltwater fish but i did say they grow to 5ft+ what are you going to do with a 5ft fish? at 1ft it will kill everything u have.
Rainbow_fish said:
I might go with just the saratoga, barra and bullrout. For al you who say that barras and bullrout need to go into saltwater, that is incorrect. Bullrout are found in freshwater streams. Also barramundi are found in freshwater rivers and dams and lakes. Those 3 should go ok.
Why ask for advice if you're just going to ignore it entirely?

I for one will not be anwering any more of your threads.

I guess you will have to learn the hard way. I give your tank 3 months until it's empty again. Shame that fish will die just so that you can learn something.

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