Eelzor This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide Joined Sep 16, 2003 Messages 2,056 Reaction score 1 Location Australia Sep 30, 2003 #16 arent pirahnas considered a pest in australia? I don't know if they're banned, someone who has/had a piranha and put it into a normal river/lake it will completely destroy the ecosystem.
arent pirahnas considered a pest in australia? I don't know if they're banned, someone who has/had a piranha and put it into a normal river/lake it will completely destroy the ecosystem.
L Lithril Fish Addict Joined Sep 9, 2003 Messages 881 Reaction score 1 Location Southampton, UK Sep 30, 2003 #17 Dad moved to Tasmania 2 years ago, hoping to go out there next year, and with any luck move out there in a few years time.
Dad moved to Tasmania 2 years ago, hoping to go out there next year, and with any luck move out there in a few years time.