Australain Inhabitants


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Dec 29, 2008
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i know how its hard to get quality bettas her in australia so i looked up some people who you can order them through.
they are reasonably cheap, and its cheaper to buy them through this person than off aqua bid.
thats all folks
BARRA :good:
Nice Bettas aren't actually that hard to get in Aus. They are readily available on the wholesale lists but most shops don't carry them unless someone specifically orders them. This is due to the price of fancy Bettas. Average male fighters sell for about $5-$10 in most shops, but the fancy types go up to $30+. Most people won't pay that for a fish that looks almost the same as a $5 fish. Therefore the shops don't carry the fancy expensive stuff.
If anyone is interested in fancy Bettas or other labyrinths, (or any unusual fish) then ask your local fish shop to see what is available on their wholesale lists. You'll be surprised at how many types of fish are available but just don't get ordered.
The problem with these is that you cannot pick your colours usually, and there is no guarantee on the quality of the colour or finnage of the fish. even if they do order you in a red halfmoon, half the time the fish that turns up is a blotchy coloured super delta with blue wash (major fault) and damaged fins, about as useful for breeding as a bog standard veiltail. Also, you cannot get females unless you know a breeder. The problem with sucking up to an LFS to order you in something is that if the fish turns up is frankly substandard and of no use to you, you can hardly refuse to buy it.
You can get them off livefish ( but they're $20 for a delta and $40 for a halfmoon, and there's no choice regarding quality at all... personally I have never risked it, so I can't vouch for the quality of what they send.

Where in Australia are you? If you're in the northern part of Queensland, I might be able to help you as there ARE some breeders, you just have to know where to look. I've been paying a bit more attention to the ones round here.

That looks like a great link, thanks for posting it. I didn't know about that one. There is a lady called Jodi-Lea Matheson who does a lot of importing and shipping off Aquabid... she is expensive definitely, but not overpriced, you just have to pay the true cost of importing the fish. At any rate, allow $200 a pair which includes buying fish (allowing for up to $30 each), Asian transhipping, importation (air freight), usually the boxes/handling, health certificates, import permissions, quarantine and then shipping to you from Brisbane where the quarantine facility is. Jodi is not responsible for fish that do not handle the shipping process well and after arrival refuse to eat/breed or generally fail to thrive, but she will attempt to cure anything that arrives sick and will cover most of the cost of a DOA (so if it turns up dead or dies in quarantine, you don't lose much.)
im down near newy so a bit far from you. :( . yeh i have talked to jodi. but i think i will play with vts and cts before i play with the big boys :D
thanks collin i will have a look in my shop. i really like the pks and i often find them in with the females.
cheers guys
Yeah, the PKs are bargains. Most of the genuine females are PK females as well. The problem with breeding them is that nobody really wants them, so it can be hard to offload the fry. CT male and PK female gives you interesting young. Getting CT females isn't hard, because usually the ones the LFS can order in are good quality.
Hey Barra!

I'm in Aussie too :D

Sydney to be exact. Also, I just posted a thread about my fish finally spawning. They are a lovely HM pair. I'll post pics up of them in the other thread at a more reasonable time (3am at the moment, but it's New Years Eve and I just found fry so I ain't goin to sleep anytime soon lol)

Bettarazzi (or Michael, I know him from another forum. PM me if you want to know the link, provided you don't know it already lol), is a nice guy aswell. He is pretty expensive aswell, even for CTs, but you have to pay 'top dollar' for good quality.

As for , I've bought off them once. I got some snakeskin guppies (3 died within 1 week), and a 'white male fighting fish'...The poor fighting fish had only 1 freakin eye! I've named him Cyclops lol. He is a creamy coloured VT (not white like they advertised). From my personal experience, they have burnt me and I will never buy from them again.

And Jodi-Lea, I don't know her personally, but she has helped me and given me great service with the 3 total Thailand shipments that I've had. A very lovely lady. She posts her stock on the website I mentioned before if you wanted to check it out. It still works out to be pretty expensive to ship from QLD to NSW, but it is WAYYYYYYY cheaper then importing from aquabid.

Glad to see another Aussie around! :D
yeh good to see some aussies around. congrats on the fry to. i have 4 fry which were bred accidentally lol. they are about 1.5 cm long and just starting to show theyre colour :D . hope all goes well with your fry. its good only having 4. ALOT EASIER AS TO FOOD AND STUFF. have you got micro worms?
please post the link for jodi
cheers BARRA
Wow, this whole thread was 'Down Under' - cool!
Of course, I've just spoilt the run...

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