Attempt To Snail Id Please!


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
i've had 3 of these guys turn up in the last few weeks, i suspect from new plants.
i already have half a ton of ramshorns, it's definately not ramshorn, and i've had bladder snails, definately not that either.

they're tiny, this pic is the biggest of the three (which have now disappeared amongst the ramshorns). this one is about 2mm if that, and my camera isn't the best. the whorl or whatever you call it sticks out, unlike on a ramshorn, but its not long like a bladder or pond snail, the babies seem to be black/yellow

the black on this is where the whorl is.


any ideas?!

edit: just tried to have a closer look, it may have a trapdoor, but it's really hard to tell on something so tiny!
it's unheated
BUT i have a very warm flat (stupid block heating, its warmer in here than it was in the summer!) so my tanks don't go below 77-78
(haven't had any heaters plugged in since July -_-)

it's not that melanoidies, the shell is smooth and more round than cone shaped.
I think the babys have shorter shells from what i remember reading a while ago and i would presume they would have smoother shells too....though this is the only picture of a young one i could find and since yours is only 2mm it could be very young.

Guess you might just have to keep an eye on them and see how they grow though -_- . Should be fun anyway :) .
It could still be a trapdoor snail too, they can live in warmer water its just not very good for them.

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