Fish Crazy
Last night I got home and my tetra and blindcave fish seemed to be attacking by poor little Dino (Sterbas Cory) they seemed to be hovering around him and then appeared to be nipping his fins and tail.....he tried to hide behind the filter and they seemed to be waiting underneath it for him to come out? Being a Newbie and not having a second tank my only option was to float a plastic tupperware on top of the tank and put him in there. He had contracted some sort of fungal disease earlier in the week however he seemed to be doing a lot better until last night of course? Does anyone have any idea why they would just attack him? I know that the Tetra are quite big and both them and the blindcave fish have been together in the tank on their own for a while (previous owner) and I added the Cory's when I took over the tank, do you think they could be territorial?