Attack of the betta bug!!!!!


Aug 13, 2003
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British-Columbia, Can.
well i went to petcetera today to get some plants for my new 10 gallon tank (still has to b set up) and i looked on the betta cup shelf and saw a beautiful red betta......he has really long jagged fins and is a veiltail i believe!!!!!!! :wub: he still needs a good name.....all the names i come up with r gurly like Narya (the elvish ring of fire) i really need a good name 4 him :blink: one other thing tho......he has some real trouble swimming.....he gets to mid water then any higher he just goes vertical and lower he lies u think this is because of living in a cup?
ahahah this is too funny - everyone is telling me that I'll be addicted and end up getting a bunch of bettas after just buying my first the other day, and you're proving this happens! :D Good for you though, I know he'll have a good, happy home with you. As for a name.. hmm.. what I always do (and is just a suggestion), is pick a movie you really like and think of the names of the male characters in it. Often one will fit. Since you got him on National Talk Like a Pirate Day you could always think of a pirate name for him too (like Jack!). I've named a lot of my animals using the movie thing - I've got Humperdink (The Princess Bride), Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Carribean), Frodo and Legalos (Lord of the Rings).. etc. lol wow I'm sad. Anyways, feel free to use any of those ideas or movies, they're all great! Good luck with your new fishy, I'm so happy for you, and jealous.. I must admit, I already want another one.
ya i looked through the glossary of the simarillion trying to find an elvish name but nothin for movies i keep thinking but i'll have to try harder....... :look: .......hmmmm *goes back to searching the back of mind* thanks :D
I really like the idea of having an elvish name, that's awesome. So I did a little looking - check out the following sites, they might help.

Elvish Name Generator
Elvish Name Translator

Those sites were super fun, I liked Altáriël, Failon, Harwe, Sindo, Mehtar (that's a fun one, it means warrior). Anyways, I could go on and on, but you can do some looking yourself now. Hope this helps! Let me know what you decide.
Those r cool.....but i called him plain old Faze.......besides the name i think he has swim bladder problems..... :-( :-( :-( it's so depressing to watch him try and get to the top and get air and food.........and he tries to flare at the others and can't get all his fins out :-( :-( it looks like he gives such a huge effort to swim a little..........i hate those cups!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :< is there any way i can help him???????
:D I bought my first Betta yesterday. A purplish male have him in a 1 gallon tank. As for the name how about Red October.
they're addictive aren't they?!!!! i just bought a gorgous red one last week, put him in a two gallon, named him dante. yesterday, was going to buy two one gallons and a new betta (dante was going to move to a smaller tank and i had planned to use the 2 gallon for something else), but they were out of 1 gallon tanks, so i ended up with two betta and two hexes (just temps until the tanks come in on thursday, then they'll each have their own 1 gallon). now i have 3 bettas in about a weeks time!!!!!!! i am not allowed to look anymore (even though i REALLY want a royal blue one..........). have fun!!!!!!

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