Atm's 5.5 Gallon Tank (reef In Progress)

O in case I can't find a light fixture or it doesn't make sense buying a not powerful one and just waiting and buying one with stronger lights would using a 10w cp bulb from wal-mart with reflector be ok if I just had live rock while cycling the tank or would it be best just to wait.

Up front, I just wanted to say that there's a possiblity I may not get this so if I don't get it and you'l feel your time has been wasted don't respond, don't wana offend anybody.

Ok I'v been reading (between doing some homework, working ahead in case I can get it this weekend) here's what I got so far

tank- :good: (5.5 gallons)
thermometer- :good:
heater- HOB ok? or should I get submergible
substrate- 1" sand (any particular kind or should I get something else)
Filter- aquaclear 20 (or is that really not necessary)
Powerhead- maxi-jet 400
Lights- would this be powerful enough or would I need something more powerful to grow the corals, frags, etc. (still learning the names) If that's not powerful enough could I be ok with the 10w cp bulb from wal-mart with reflector until I can get higher lighting if I'm just going to be cycling the tank like stated above?
LR- 5lbs? Mix and match a few pieces from the major SW store by me (that's ok right)
CUC- Have no idea, still looking besides hermit crabs and cleaner shrimp I don't know anything yet
salt- can't find it here but remember seeing a type, I think it has a purple and white bag
other- test kit (this one ok, I have the FW one and it's good , floating glass hydrometer,

Is there anything else I need?

Please tell me what you think on what I have and the brands from what you know, redstratplayer has already told me on some of them, but redstratplayer doesn't know about all of them

Does anybody know about the equipment, I'm hoping to get it tomorrow.
-aquaclear-smallest model
-maxijet 400
-SW master test kit
-bag of salt mix

Anyting else, I'm just picking up the hardwar and nothing else, tank will be fowlr to start out with.
So I got the for sure ok from my parents, it's my tank I can do what I want, just don't "spend a lot of money". So I'm going SW :good: (unless my betta doesn't do good in my community tank which I'll find out soon, though he should since my last one did. sooo......

Tomorrow my aunt and I are going around to lfs's and I'm gona look for sales and I'm also going to the biggest SW store in my state, so that means I'm gona get the equipment, and if I have enough money LR if that's ok.

So here's what I need

-glass versa-top 10-15$ (need it since my hood isn't covered and can't be over open SW)
-aquaclear filter 10-15$
-maxi-jet 400 15-20$
-bag of salt mix 10-15$

So that leaves me to supply heater, tank, and lighting along with thermometer so I'll then have:
-full hood
-salt mix

And still to get

Hydrometer-Will I be ok with this to start off with?
test kit-Do I need this the first month or so while the tank is cycling or would it be ok to buy a bit later

If I don't have to buy a test kit immediately I could get the LR tomorrow and buy the test kit in the beginning of march, unless I find a bunch of good deals. What type of test kit will I need to test what levles, since it will be fowlr to begin with I don't need a reef test kit right?

Remember I'm a kid and don't have a real job so that's why I'm asking can I not buy the test kit till later when I get my allowance because I get money at weird times like shoveling last week.

Thanks, fast response would be appreciated. :good:

O yes I understand I need patience and I have that, it's just that I'm not going to be able to go to the SW store for awhile again and I'd rather get the LR there since they'l have a nice selection.
Ok you will need a test kit while the tank is cycling to see how things are going. It won't cycle without your live rock in so you'll have to buy that first. If that means going without a test kit then so be it BUT you won't be able to add any livestock until your water has been tested. Your local LFS can do this for you (it's usually free)

I don't understand what you're asking with the hydrometer. So I'll give a general answer.
If you're planning on mixing your own saltwater then you definately need a hydrometer. You can't put any water in your tank unless you have one. A refractometer would be more precise but a hydrometer is much cheaper. You should ask your LFS to check it alongside their refractometer to check it's accurate. This is something you should do every so often anyway.

Is that what you wanted to know?
Ya, I'm not going to add any livestock for awhile, probably more than a month, I just wanted to get the cycle going since my parents can't take me back to the SW store until mid march. And yes I'll buy my own test kit later and get it tested by my lfs. Just not sure how much everything will cost. Would a standard master marine test kit suffice for a fowlr tank?

Ya that's what I was saying, to start out just use a hydrometer and hopefully It will snow some more and I can get a refractometer, if not I'll have to get good grades since that'l be my next biggest money amount until I can start reffing again(can't wait 40+$ a weekend is nice) that's a good iccentive to get good grades though, I guess I'll start studying more since honors classes aren't easy

Thanks for the response, just want I wanted to know.

Does the equipment sound good?

thanks so much, I'll post some pics tomorrow when and if I get it
The equipment sounds fine to me but I'm not a techie and these things all sound the same to me :fun:

The master test kits are quite expensive and if you have a FOWLR you may end up buying tests you don't need. It all depends on the price. I'm in the UK so I have no idea what things should cost for you. I know for me the individual tests cost £6-£10 each and a master kit is around £60ish.

IMO if funds are really short you could probably get away with just buying test kits for ammonia, nitrates, nitrites and pH. There are others you'll need but those are the most important. Just be sure to get the best make you can. Again I'm not sure what's available for you.
When I cycled my tank, I only tested Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites, pH, and buffer capacity. My test kits cost me $15 dollars each (except you usually buy the ammonia test kit alone and it was $4 on sale) and it came with 25 strips. I suggest getting the strips because they are usually cheaper and, though not always the most accurate, it gives you a really good idea of what is going on. Plus, even after a month you still won't be able to stock your tank, because cycling can tank longer and it's best to wait the few extra weeks to make sure everything is safe and this may be the time (especially if you don't buy your test kit right away) to do the tests every other day or so. Since most kits do the same thing, it really doesn't matter. Get the cheapest one (and by cheapest I mean don't go below $14, unless you find a really good deal).

I also want to throw in that, no matter how excited you may be about this tank, it may be a good time to turn back now. You probably have already read how hard it can be to take care of a nano tank, but since you don't have a lot of funds it will be hard for you to fix problems right away. Plus, you will actually end up spending more like $200 when it comes down to the end- maybe even more. Don't get me wrong, it's a really fun hobby, but it would be a shame to waste $200 hard earned dollars on a tank that crashes. A 5 or 10 gal nano can end up costing as much as a 75 gal because of the maintenance involved.

Have you decided where you are going to place the tank? Can you take any pics?

- b/lab -
sianeds-I think I can get Red sea test kits or tetra or aquarium pharmetucals (sp.) Not sure, I'm just gona let it run for maybe month to two months then test later when I get it. Have you heard anything about red sea, I can get a standard marine test kit by red sea that tests NH3,NO2,NO3,pH,Alk or for a few more dollars a reef test kit that tests NO3,PO4,Ca, &6 supplements- Ca, Str, Mo, I, Trace, & Green and single test kits that test
Calcium Pro

marine:22$ reef 24$ which isn't a bad price I don't think considering it's from a store not online.

Madcatter, thanks I think I'll stick to the liquid though since I don't even know if I can find test strips by me. About the cost, I have over 100$ now for today and since I'm going to start off with fowlr I'm not going to need to get a stronger light, when I get the money and when I think I'm up for it then I'll spend the money and after reading some it seems fowlr will be a bit cheaper. I'm up for the challenge and money, once I start reffing in one and a half months I'll be able to make at least 20$ every weekend or more :good: At the end of the summer I'm going to start working at a lfs hopefully near me to have a steady job, if I have time between my tanks, sports, and school. :dunno: Yup Though without the skimmer and lighting the startup cost won't be as much as a 75, though the time will I'm sure. Nope sorry don't have any pics or anything yet since my aunt is coming to pick me up in a few hours. When we come back I'll take pics if I get the stuff along with maybe of the store I went to and a frogfish pic for anydwg.

Got a couple questions-can I buy say 10 gallons of RO water, use five and use the other five couple weeks later?
How much live sand and live rock should I get for a 5.5 gallon tank? 4-5lbs. and enough live sand for a 1" substrate right?
For handling live rock, after reading some of your stories would those yellow rubber gloves be ok to wear?
Is there a reason why I should get the maxi-jet powerhead, or is it ok to buy say marineland or aquaclear?

thanks guys

p.s. I have a envelope that I put money in and save it only for emergencys so that won't be a problem if something goes wrong and here's a pic of the tank yesterday as a FW planted tank, it's a 10$ camera so excuse the quality :blush:


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YAY can't wait to see what you got :good:

O enthusiasm huh, well I got the equipment but no live rock since I didn't know I should have my tank running for 24 hours before putting in LR so that will have to wait. I just finished uploading pics from the lfs visit and will go take some pics of the equipment soon. O and I saw a 675 GALLON display tank today, it was pretty HUGE :nod:
All right, got some pics of the equipment :good:

hydrometer-for the time being

maxi-jet 40 powerhead

Gloves to protect against bristle worms

small rio powerhead for mixing my own salt, don't remember model # off the top of my head




all together

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