Atmospheric Pressure


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester

Right I've just been having a think, yeah I know its dangerous, but I like to live on the edge :hyper:

I haven't done a water change in my C.trilineatus tank and they have spawned again. Last time they spawned I hadn't done a water change, but one thing I've noticed about today, is it is very heavey, thick cloud cover, very warm, slight rain (on and off) and stuffy.

So here's the thing, many people on here have said that people have seen many members with C.trilineatus fry and then all of a sudden about 8 of your have fry, and I'm on my second spawning, well third if you count them spawning twice in two days lol...

the only factor I can come up with is the weather... I've heard that atmospheric pressure has effects on loaches (hence why they call Misgurnus anguillicaudatu, Weather loach.

Any ideas anyone or views on this?

Right I've just been having a think, yeah I know its dangerous, but I like to live on the edge :hyper:

I haven't done a water change in my C.trilineatus tank and they have spawned again. Last time they spawned I hadn't done a water change, but one thing I've noticed about today, is it is very heavey, thick cloud cover, very warm, slight rain (on and off) and stuffy.

So here's the thing, many people on here have said that people have seen many members with C.trilineatus fry and then all of a sudden about 8 of your have fry, and I'm on my second spawning, well third if you count them spawning twice in two days lol...

the only factor I can come up with is the weather... I've heard that atmospheric pressure has effects on loaches (hence why they call Misgurnus anguillicaudatu, Weather loach.

Any ideas anyone or views on this?

atmospheric pressure has a significant effect on corys spawning. This is a widely renowned fact and is what i also put down to my success in breeding corys. I live in the 2nd highest place in bradford and really dont have to do anything to spawn the easier breeding corys. My c.aeneus (albino and now bronze) and my sterbai breed for fun without any help. Infact, by sterbai are at it again as we speak :)

Also, when doing a cold water change, its also advised that you let the water splash in. I do this by holding the jug at height above the tank. This also causes an atmospheric difference in the tank. There is another member on here (cant remember off the top of my head who it is) that actually stirs the top of the water to force a spawing !
I did read or hear about, cant quite remember, some guy who was breeding all sorts of fish, he used different methods of adding water back into his tanks, for some species he used large spray bar racks, to simulate rain fall and misters etc, he was said to be breeding fish weren't heard of before breeding in captivity. I suppose its all about getting the environment right at the end of the day, and getting the things that trigger spawning corrct too.

Its funny, I was never able to spawn my platies, and they are ment to be an "add water" fish, but my cories seem to love my set ups. I sadly no longer have my platies except one of the fry from one brood I managed to attain. although he is about 8-9months old he is still very small.
it is also said that cories are more likely to spawn in stormy conditions :)

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