atleast a 200 gallon tank!


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2004
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My LFS "pete's Pets" Has a 200 gallon tank (or it has to be atleast that) He hasn't had fish in that tank since he sold puppies (2 years ago) He's trying to sell it and he offered it to me for 150.00. Should i take up the deal?

-Edit- This was about ebay but i edited the post)
Umm, okay, now that the topic of the thread changed entirely, my original post made absolutely no sense.

Ummm...take it, but make sure it'll hold water.
If you got the cash take the tank and send it to me :lol:
lol yea sure ill be right on it :)

but where owuld i put it?!?!?! im already getting a 55 set up on my dresser and thats gata be atleast 600lbs and my 29 is about 300lbs. I kinda feel unconfortable with a 200 gal. in htere! lol ill have to measure my basement.
check it first that it is as aquarium not terrarium. In aquarium glasses are thicker than in terrarium. I have some tables on my homepages for size of aqiarium glasses: link.

The first table is for bottom glass and the second is for side glasses. All measurements are in millimeters. E.g. your tank is 1500mm long and 500mm high -> it means that side glasses must be 10mm thick. Another example, your tank is 1100mm long and 400mm high -> glasses must be 8mm thick.

(korkeus = high and pituus = lenght)

I would take it,and if I had to store it until I could set it up. That's a heck of a deal to pass up on, assuming it will hold water.

ok my basement is concrete a;ready :) The glass has to be atmost, -------- that thick. The stand... well its 3 cinder blocks stacked in each corner ad theres a 2x2x3 stack of cinder blocks in the middle.
No lightinf or filtration what so ever comes with it.
It's not a bad deal for a tank that big really. I can make a hood for it and have my dad do electrical in it for lighting as ffor filtration.... ill buy a used inflatable pool filter if i have to.

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