Atl ga guy here with some animals in a tank!

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Here's a picture of the tank now, lots of brown algae..

Where should I get these shrimp and snails? Will my lfs carry it?
most likely. Make sure to get 1 nerite snail and 2 - 3 amanos. You might want to get algae wafers to feed the amanos as they will not be able to always subsist themselves on this. The nerite will lay eggs, but they will not hatch. You can scrape them off if you don't like them. if you don't want a snail infestation, don't buy other snails. Only nerites. They're also good algae eaters.
Ok along w the snail and 🦐, what is a good fish or other fish tank animal to put in there?
If it's a 10 gallon, you can try to get dwarf gouramis, but you will want to plant it.
I thought I calculated correctly but I think it's 10 not 20.
You have 2 dwarf frogs, right?
I say a group of nano fish if it's a 10g.
Do 50 percent water change and refill with gallon jugs of dechlorinated water. Then you will know for sure.
This is a video of one swimming..
Your tank is beautiful, but I'm going to have to put whatever that thing was on my Nope list, right beside hermit crabs and praying mantises (manti??)!!!
You've got an over-abundance of light and lots of organic waste in that tank, which will result in all manner of unpleasant algae.
Your substrate will be a major cause of future waste management issues, because any uneaten foodstuffs and animal waste will disappear into those large gaps between the large stones and large gauge 'gravel'. You're then going to find it well-nigh impossible to suck the dirt out.

That substrate looks very calcium-rich...what are you using?
(If it is what it looks like, then you'll be getting very hard water and that will limit what animals would survive for any length of time, never mind them actually thriving).

Before you begin to add more animals to the tank, you really do need to make it more suitable for their needs.

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