At A Total Loss

the tetras have been safely moved to the 10 gallon with the rainbows with some pimafix and a bit of salt(hopefully the tetras can handle a bit) . ill put some filter stuff in there from the other tank to help with the ammonia/nitrite that might occur now that theres 12 med size fish in there ...everyones a little stressed but they seem to be swimming around in there now. ... these black skirt tetras were my very first fish bought as babys 2 years ago for my 33 gallon tank. i didnt know bout fishless cycling so they cycled my tank and i still have the orginal 6.. non have died which is amazing. im very lost right now so i just hope it all works out. what about the bacteria in the 65 gallon tank will that eventually die or do i still need to treat it. all thats left in there is a perfectly fine looking gold gourami and a bristlenose pleco
Just some water changes on the main tank.
ok that works then. it would be a pain to treat 65 gallons anyways so thats good. i was also wondering how waterchanges work with pimafix....with 2 medium size fish in a 10 gallon tank i would imagine the bad stuff would build up quite quickly... are u able to even do water changes with medication??? just re add what you take out?
i am just wondering if desiese can come in on plants or bog wood or what the heck has caused this to my fish. it all started the day after i obtained about 8 different tropical aquatic plants and a peice of bogwood.. the wood came wrapped in plastic and said it was pre washed and treated so all i did was rinse it off like it said to also adedd some flourish excel if that has anything to do with it either probably not. i guess this is what i get for trying to make my tank look nice
It wise to steralise plant as they can fetch not only parasites but other things into the tank.
Ask in the plant section on how to steralise live plants.
You are meant to boil bogwood to steralise it before you add it to the tank.

How are the fish doing tonight.
hey, the bogwood i got stated on the packaging was pre sterlized and cleaned... i didnt get it from the beach or river or anything like that , on the packaging it said to just rinse it a bit so i just rinsed and soaked it for about 10 mins... gonna research how to sterilze plants so next time ill be prepared..

in the 10 gallon hospital tank no bodys got any white left on there fins/tails at all, its all disapeared.. just one or 2 rainbows has a little tiny spek of white on its mouth other than that all is well, hopefully there getting better and no more white appears or the speks dont get bigger... after the 7 days is up ill leave them in there with no medicine or salt and see if it comes back? is that a wise thing to do or not?? as trying to catch fast moving fish like rainbows and tetras is NOT fun in a 65 gallon fully planted tank.

as for the fish so far in the main tank my gold gourami and BN pleco have shown no signs of anything, just perfectly normal fish so far, so happy about that... i can tell Goldy is a little bit confused,sad and lost on where all his friends went though, he use to love feeling them with his feelers. lol

my room absoluty stinks of the pimafix so i cant really go in there much, which is a good thing cuz looking at the tanks just makes me upset now- couldnt even sleep in there had to move out to the front room.

Thanks for all the help, its been much appreicated. I think and hope everything will work out.
just went to check on the fishes, the rainbows arent looking that great anymore....... the tiny white spek on the mouth of a few has now covered around there lips in less than an hour........ their fins/tails are fine as well as the Blk skrt tetras seem fine as well with no white fuzz at all ... since they look fine now maybe i can move them back in the main tank?? because with the rainbows looking like this i dont really want them to be together incase they get sick again as well?? help please.....
UGHHHH --- I JUST WANT MY TANK BACK TO NORMAL... why do our fish have to get sick and cause us all this heart ache and stress... my family keeps saying "theyre just fish.. they dont have feelings, why do you care so much" but its not like that. there pets just like any other pet.. cat, dog, horse... theres something in you that tells you you HAVE to do everything you can to help them, not just let them melt away and suffer.. when you put so much effort time and money into something it just really sucks to watch it go down like this.
the rainbows are deteriorating fast.... tails and fins have now got white fuzzies and 2 of them have white on their eyeballs....i dont think the rainbows will make it as they are going down fast... its amazing how fast it can progress. im doing a 50% WC in that tank cuz its gettn a tad cloudy(just waiting for the heater to cool off a bit) then ill add some more pimafix and should i be also adding salt as i read that can help with columninaris???

this may have been a dumb thing for me to do but since the black skirts were looking perfectly normal i put 3 back in the main tank to see what would happen as i didnt want them with the super sick rainbows... within 15 mins they were showing cotton fuzzies around the mouths?????????, so bak to the hospital they went. UGHHH i just dont want all my fish to die but now it doesnt look good. the tetras im very very attached to as they were my very first fish who cycled(i didnt know) my 33 gallon tank 2 years ago and i still have the orginal six(non have died beleive it or not)
unfortunatly not..........i have no way to the LFS till friday.....i was reading reviews on PIMAFIX and tons of people said its helped them cure theyre fish of white cotton and other illnesses just wondering why u guys say it dont work on its own.........
Pimafix is no good on its own for columnaris.
Columaris is bacterial.
Did you read that link I left you.
I would lower the temp gradually till you can get the myxazin as columnaris thrives in warmer temps.

Also was the bogwood dry when you removed it from the packaging.
ok will lower temp a bit maybe around 20-22...??? do you think that medicine a common one or will i need to go hunting for it??

when i got the bogwood(packing said it was malaysian bogwood) it was definitly all dried up and it sank right away... the lfs had a huge amount of peices all wrapped up in the manufacterers packinging sitting in big boxes to sort through, instructions said it was pre sterilized and washed and completley safe and to just rinse and let it in the tank. it warned about the tannins but so far there is non

ps: the rainbows look horrible this morning. eyes covered in white and now its on there bodies as well as tails/fins... tetras are still fine. i may have to euthenize the rainbows as they can hardly move now and look like there in pain, dont think they can make it till friday anyways

i usually put a little dish in water in the freezer and let it get a layer of ice on the top then i crack the ice and dropp the fish in.. they wiggle a bit but are usually dead within 5-10 seconds... is this a good way to do it... i read about some other ways but i find it harder to do those (smashing a rock on it.... )
Yes that the right method to put a fish down. But I use a jug.
You need to get the med fast.
Do you have any other bacterial meds in the house.
The waterlife med is a common med so should be able to get hold of it at the lfs.

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